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JQuery 选项卡不适用于 Jquery DataTables 的 Page2

[英]JQuery Tabs not working on Page2 of Jquery DataTables

I have a coldfusion application that is outputting cfquery results that are formatted using JQuery DataTables.我有一个 Coldfusion 应用程序,它输出使用 JQuery DataTables 格式化的 cfquery 结果。 That works as expected.这按预期工作。 But within the the jQuery datatable display, I have content that is formatted with the jQuery tabs UI.但是在 jQuery 数据表显示中,我有使用 jQuery 选项卡 UI 格式化的内容。 The strange thing is is that it builds the tabs correctly on the first page of the paginated results, but not on any of the other paginated pages.奇怪的是,它在分页结果的第一页上正确构建了选项卡,而不是在任何其他分页页面上。

I thought it might be related to the ID's that the jQuery tabs that are referenced not being unique, so I appended the name of each DIV's ID with a unique output from my CFQuery results, but that didn't help.我认为这可能与引用的 jQuery 选项卡不是唯一的 ID 相关,因此我将每个 DIV 的 ID 的名称附加到我的 CFQuery 结果的唯一输出,但这没有帮助。

I assuming it's just not executing the jQuery code to build the tabs on the subsequent pages of the jQuery DataTables, but I do not know how to force it to do that when you click the page two link.我假设它只是没有执行 jQuery 代码来在 jQuery DataTables 的后续页面上构建选项卡,但是当您单击第二页链接时,我不知道如何强制它这样做。 I could also be way off, but that is my suspicion.我也可能离开,但这是我的怀疑。

Here is my code for most of the jQuery DataTables and and TABS UI.这是我的大多数 jQuery DataTables 和 TABS UI 的代码。 I didn't think all was needed, just the bulk of the code.我认为不需要全部,只需要大部分代码。

Does anyone have any insight on this?有没有人对此有任何见解?

<table id="dashboard_table1" width="100%" class="display" data-tableid="1">
          <th width="6%" style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</th>
            <th width="13%" style="text-align: left">Customer ID</th>
            <th width="44%" style="text-align: left">Customer Name</th>
            <th width="37%" style="text-align: left">Phone Number</th>
    <cfoutput query="residential_customers">
          <td style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</td>
            <td style="text-align: left">#customer_id#</td>
            <td style="text-align: left">
            <a id="edit-customer-open#customer_id#" href="##edit-customer-modal#customer_id#" rel="modal:open">#company_name#</a>
            <!--- Edit  customer modal --->                        
            <div id="edit-customer-modal#customer_id#" style="display:none; width:70%; padding:10px;">
                <legend><h1>Edit Customer Form</h1></legend>
                    <form name="edit_customer#customer_id#" id="edit_customer" method="post" action="actionpages/edit_customer.cfm">
                    <h3>Customer Number: #customer_id#</h3>
                    <input type="hidden" name="edit_customer_id" value="#customer_id#" />
                    <br />
                    <strong>Customer Name:</strong><br />
                    <input name="edit_customer_name" id="edit_customer_name" type="text" required placeholder="Customer Name" value="#company_name#"><br><br>
                     <strong>Customer Type:</strong><br />
                    <select name="customer_type" id="customer_type" required>
                    <option selected="selected" value="#customer_type#">#customer_type#</option>
                    <option value="bot">Block of Time</option>
                    <option value="billable">Billable</option>
                    <option value="residential">Residential</option></select>
                    <br /><br />

                    <strong>Primary Billing Contact*:</strong><br>
                    <input name="edit_first_name" id="edit_first_name" type="text" required placeholder="First Name*" value="#first_name#"> &nbsp;
                    <input name="edit_middle_name" id="edit_middle_name" type="text" placeholder="Middle Initial/Name" size="15" value="#middle_name#"> &nbsp;
                    <input name="edit_last_name" id="edit_last_name" type="text" required placeholder="Last Name*" value="#last_name#"> &nbsp;
                    <input name="edit_email_address" id="editw_email_address" type="email" required placeholder="Email Address" value="#email_address#"><br>
                    <input name="edit_primary_phone" id="edit_primary_phone" type="text" required placeholder="Primary Phone Number" value="#phone1#"><br>
                    <input name="edit_alternate_phone" id="edit_alternate_phone" type="text" placeholder="Alternate Phone Number" value="#phone2#"><br><br>
                    <strong>Company Address:</strong><br>
                    <input name="edit_address1" id="edit_address1" type="text" required placeholder="Address 1" value="#address1#"><br>
                    <input name="edit_address2" id="edit_address2" type="text" placeholder="Address 2" value="#address2#"><br>
                    <input name="edit_city" id="edit_city" type="text" required placeholder="City" value="#city#"><br>
                    <input name="edit_state" id="edit_state" type="text" required placeholder="State" value="#state#"><br>
                    <input name="edit_zip" id="edit_zip" type="text" required placeholder="Zip" value="#zip#"><br><br>
                    Is Account Active?: <input type="checkbox" value="yes" name="active" id="active" <cfif #status# eq 1>checked="checked"<cfelseif #status# eq ''>checked="checked"</cfif> /><br /><br />

                    <input type="hidden" name="ticket_type" value="residential">
                    <input class="stylized_btn" type="submit" value="Save Customer"><div class="response" id="editdCustomerMessage"></div> 
                </form><br /><br /><hr />

                  $( function() {
                    $( "##customer_tabs#customer_id#" ).tabs();
                  } );
                <!---Tabs --->  
                  <div id="customer_tabs#customer_id#">
                      <li><a href="##customer_files#customer_id#">Customer Files</a></li>
                      <li><a href="##ticket_alerts#customer_id#">Ticket Alerts</a></li>
                      <li><a href="##customer_statements#customer_id#">Statements</a></li>
                      <li><a href="##customer_statement_history#customer_id#">Statement History</a></li>
                      <li><a href="##customer_ticket_history#customer_id#">Ticket History</a></li>
                   <div id="customer_files#customer_id#">
                    <table  width="99%"  border="0" align="center" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">
                <!---File Upload section --->
                   <div id="AttachFile#customer_id#">
                        <div id="fileUploadDiv#customer_id#"></div>
                        <script type='text/javascript'>
                        function PopulateFileUploadDiv#customer_id#(){
                </td></tr></table><br />
                <!---End of File Upload section --->
                   <div id="ticket_alerts#customer_id#">

Okay, so running this piece of Javascript seems to force the TABS UI to be created.好的,所以运行这段 Javascript 似乎会强制创建 TABS UI。 Not that elegant but it works.不是那么优雅,但它有效。 Is there a better way?有没有更好的办法?

                    //console.log("This is a test"); 
                    $( "##customer_tabs#customer_id#" ).tabs();

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