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如何在 Kotlin 中将字节转换为位串?

[英]How to convert a Byte to a Bitstring in Kotlin?

I have an ArrayList of Bytes.我有一个字节数组列表。 Firstly, when i print them i see integers?首先,当我打印它们时,我看到的是整数? And the second thing is, i want to convert each Byte to a Bitstring and add it to a new list of bitstrings.第二件事是,我想将每个字节转换为位串并将其添加到位串的新列表中。 How do i do that as there is no "i.toBitString"?由于没有“i.toBitString”,我该怎么做?

fun preprocessing() {

    val userInput = readLine()
    val charset = Charsets.UTF_8
    val bytearray = userInput?.toByteArray()
    var bitsets = ArrayList<BitSet>()
    if (bytearray != null) {
       // for(i in bytearray){
        //    bitsets.add(i.toBitset?)}




You can convert to any base with this method, in your case this should work:您可以使用此方法转换为任何基础,在您的情况下,这应该有效:

val userInput = "potatoes"
val bytearray = userInput.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)
val bitsets = ArrayList<String>()

for (i in bytearray) {

bitsets.forEach { println(it) }

here is the docs:这是文档:

 * Returns a string representation of this [Byte] value in the specified [radix].
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException when [radix] is not a valid radix for number to string conversion.
public actual inline fun Byte.toString(radix: Int): String = this.toInt().toString(checkRadix(radix))

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