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主题建模内存错误:如何在有大量数据时进行 gensim 主题建模

[英]Topic Modeling Memory Error: How to do gensim topic modelling when with large amounts of data

I'm having an issue topic modeling with a lot of data.我在使用大量数据进行主题建模时遇到了问题。 I am trying to do both LDA and NMF topic modeling which I have done before, but not with the great volume of data I am currently working with.我正在尝试做我以前做过的 LDA 和 NMF 主题建模,但不是我目前正在使用的大量数据。 The main issue is that i can't hold all my data in memory while also creating the models.主要问题是我无法在创建模型的同时将所有数据保存在内存中。

I need both the models and associated metrics.我需要模型和相关指标。 Here is the code for how i make my models currently这是我目前如何制作模型的代码

def make_lda(dictionary, corpus, num_topics):
    passes = 3

    # Make a index to word dictionary.
    temp = dictionary[0]  # This is only to "load" the dictionary.
    id2word = dictionary.id2token

    model = LdaMulticore(
    return model

def make_nmf(dictionary, corpus, num_topics):
    passes = 3

    # Make a index to word dictionary.
    temp = dictionary[0]  # This is only to "load" the dictionary.
    id2word = dictionary.id2token
    model = Nmf(
    return model

And here is how I get the coherence measures and some other statistics这是我如何获得一致性度量和其他一些统计数据

def get_model_stats(model, model_type, docs, dictionary, corpus, num_topics, verbose=False, get_topics=False):
    if model_type == 'lda':
        top_topics = model.top_topics(texts=docs, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v') #, num_words=20)
    elif model_type == 'nmf':
        top_topics = model.top_topics(corpus=corpus, texts=docs, dictionary=dictionary, coherence='c_v') #, num_words=20)

    # Average topic coherence is the sum of topic coherences of all topics, divided by the number of topics.
    avg_topic_coherence = sum([t[1] for t in top_topics]) / num_topics
    rstd_atc = np.std([t[1] for t in top_topics]) / avg_topic_coherence
    if verbose:
        print('Average topic coherence: ', avg_topic_coherence)
        print('Relative Standard Deviation of ATC: ', rstd_atc)
    if get_topics:
        return avg_topic_coherence, rstd_atc, top_topics
    return avg_topic_coherence, rstd_atc

As you can see, I need my dictionary, texts, corpus, and id2token objects in memory at different times, sometimes all at the same time.如您所见,我需要在不同时间将我的字典、文本、语料库和 id2token 对象存储在内存中,有时需要同时存储。 But I can't do that since something like my texts use up a ton of memory.但我不能这样做,因为像我的文本之类的东西会占用大量内存。 My machine just does not have enough.我的机器不够用。

I know I can pay to get a virtual machine with crazy amounts of RAM, but I want to know if there is a better solution.我知道我可以花钱购买具有大量 RAM 的虚拟机,但我想知道是否有更好的解决方案。 I can store all of my data on disk.我可以将所有数据存储在磁盘上。 Is there a way to run these models were the data is not in memory?如果数据不在内存中,有没有办法运行这些模型? Is there some other solution where I don't overload my memory?有没有其他解决方案可以让我的内存不超载?

There are some small tweaks that you can potentially use that will likely do not make much difference (eg changing lists comprehensions into generators - eg when summing up) but this is a general memory-saving hint so I thought it is worth mentioning it.有一些您可以使用的小调整可能不会产生太大影响(例如将列表理解更改为生成器 - 例如在总结时)但这是一个通用的内存节省提示,所以我认为值得一提。

Out of notable differences you can get is to use some more aggressive pruning on the Dictionary .您可以获得的显着差异是对Dictionary使用一些更积极的修剪。 The default parameter is to prune_at=200000 .默认参数是prune_at=200000 You may want to lower the threshold to some lower value if you have plenty of documents.如果您有大量文档,您可能希望将阈值降低到某个较低的值。

Another thing to do is to apply filter_extremes function to the created dictionary to remove words that are unlikely to have influence on the results.另一件事是将filter_extremes函数应用于创建的字典,以删除不太可能对结果产生影响的单词。 Here you can set up the parameters more aggressively again:在这里您可以再次更积极地设置参数:

no_below – Keep tokens which are contained in at least no_below documents. no_below – 保留至少包含在no_below文档中的令牌。

no_above – Keep tokens which are contained in no more than no_above documents (fraction of total corpus size, not an absolute number). no_above – 保留包含在不超过no_above文档中的标记(总语料库大小的一部分,不是绝对数字)。

keep_n – Keep only the first keep_n most frequent tokens. keep_n – 只保留第一个keep_n最频繁的令牌。

On top of that you may want to call garbage collector every once in a while (eg before running make_nmf function):最重要的是,您可能希望每隔一段时间调用一次垃圾收集器(例如在运行make_nmf函数之前):

import gc

And for sure do not run make_nmf and make_lda in parallel (you are probably not doing that but I wanted to highlight it because we do not see your whole code).并且肯定不要并行运行make_nmfmake_lda (你可能没有这样做,但我想强调它,因为我们没有看到你的整个代码)。

Tweaking these values can help you reduce the memory footprint desired and maintain the best possible model.调整这些值可以帮助您减少所需的内存占用并保持最佳模型。

You don't show how your corpus (or docs / texts ) is created, but the single most important thing to remember with Gensim is that entire training sets essentially never have to be in-memory at once (as with a giant list ).您没有展示您的corpus (或docs / texts )是如何创建的,但是使用 Gensim 需要记住的最重要的一点是,整个训练集基本上永远不必一次在内存中(就像一个巨大的list )。

Rather, you can (& for any large corpus when memory is a possible issue should ) provide it as a re-iterable Python sequence, that only reads individual items from underlying storage as requested.相反,你可以(为当内存是一个可能的问题,任何大型语料库)提供它作为一个重新迭代Python的序列中,只有读取的要求底层存储的各个项目。 Using a Python generator is usually a key part (but the not the whole story) of such an approach.使用 Python生成器通常是这种方法的关键部分(但不是全部)。

The original creator of the Gensim package has a blog post going over the basics: " Data streaming in Python: generators, iterators, iterables " Gensim 包的原始创建者有一篇博客文章介绍了基础知识:“ Python 中的数据流:生成器、迭代器、可迭代对象

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