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[英]How to change styles of child mat angular component?

As angular official documentation says, ::ng-deep , >>>, /deep/ is deprecated and will be removed soon:正如 angular 官方文档所说, ::ng-deep , >>>, /deep/已弃用,很快将被删除:

https://angular.io/guide/component-styles#deprecated-deep--and-ng-deep https://angular.io/guide/component-styles#deprecated-deep--and-ng-deep

If i am using mat components like <mat-checkbox> or a more comprehensive one like <mat-table> how could I have some changes to that component from parent?如果我使用像<mat-checkbox>这样的mat组件或更全面的像<mat-table>这样的组件,我怎么能从父组件对该组件进行一些更改?

  1. Should I cancel view encapsulation for that component and write styles in .SCSS files?我应该取消该组件的视图封装并在.SCSS文件中编写样式吗?
  2. How do I edit styles of inner material angular component if deep selector is going to be removed?如果要删除深度选择器,如何编辑inner材质角度组件的样式?
  3. What is the proper way to do that?这样做的正确方法是什么?

As the mention document says you can use the combination of ::ng-deep with :host and it will be OK in this way.正如提及文档所说,您可以将::ng-deep:host结合使用,这样就可以了。

In order to scope the specified style to the current component and all its descendants, be sure to include the :host selector before ::ng-deep .为了将指定的样式范围限定到当前组件及其所有后代,请确保在::ng-deep之前包含:host选择器。 If the ::ng-deep combinator is used without the :host pseudo-class selector, the style can bleed into other components如果在没有:host伪类选择器的情况下使用::ng-deep组合器,则样式可能会渗透到其他组件中

:host /deep/ h3 {
  font-style: italic;

But, you also can use the custom CSS class & id to apply your custom css on .CSS or .SCSS files on the Angular Material Components .但是,您也可以使用自定义CSSid将自定义 css 应用于Angular Material Components上的.CSS.SCSS文件。 using .class & #id in combination with mat default classes works..class & #idmat默认类结合使用是有效的。 In addition you can use custom Angular material classes in your componnent style files ( .CSS or .SCSS ) to override the like this:此外,您可以在组件样式文件( .CSS.SCSS )中使用自定义 Angular 材质类来覆盖如下所示:

.app-component-style {
/* All the CSS here */
.mat-tab-group .mat-tab-label {color: green;}

So, keep using it as Dudewad mention here too: https://stackoverflow.com/a/49308475/4185370所以,继续使用它作为Dudewad在这里提到的: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/49308475/4185370

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