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无法使用 SpringBoot 发送 Post 请求

[英]Unable to send Post Request with SpringBoot

I´m tring to make a post request, according the code below:我正在尝试根据以下代码进行发布请求:

String url = new StringBuilder().append("https://...").toString();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> body = buildBotBody(email,message);
restTemplate.postForEntity(url, body, Void.class);

This request don´t needs authentication, it don´t needs login and password.此请求不需要身份验证,不需要登录名和密码。 At the Postman I can make the request with success, but when I try to execute the code above, I got:在邮递员我可以成功提出请求,但是当我尝试执行上面的代码时,我得到:

401 Unauthorized 401 未授权

I got simulate the error at the Postman and it gave me the message below:我在邮递员处模拟了错误,它给了我以下消息:

 "message": "The request has both SAS authentication scheme and 'Basic' authorization scheme. Only one scheme should be used."

When I changed the authentication method to "No Auth" at Postman, the request worked fine.当我在 Postman 将身份验证方法更改为“无身份验证”时,请求工作正常。

I think I have to set this option "No Auth" at the code, but I don´t know how.我想我必须在代码中设置这个选项“No Auth”,但我不知道如何。

I made this way:我是这样做的:

private HttpEntity<?> builderHeadersToBuildBotBody(String email, StringBuilder message) {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    map.put("emailadress", email);
    map.put("emailSubject", "Pendência para lançamento de horas do Jira");
    map.put("emailBody", message.toString());
    return builderHeaders(map);

private HttpEntity<?> builderHeaders(Map<String, String> map) {
    HttpHeaders requestHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
    //requestHeaders.setAccept(Collections.singletonList(new MediaType("application", "json")));
    requestHeaders.setContentType(new MediaType("application", "json"));
    //requestHeaders.set(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, "");
    return new HttpEntity<>(requestHeaders);

private void sendBotMessage(StringBuilder message, String nome, String email) throws Exception{
    try {
        String url = new StringBuilder().append("https://prod-12.westeurope.logic.azure.com:443/workflows/fbf4c29cbcad4679b1a1159fff7b07f9/triggers/manual/paths/invoke?api-version=2016-06-01&sp=%2Ftriggers%2Fmanual%2Frun&sv=1.0&sig=zxm46aQnBj3ZTKPOddnnwUgtQZoQcQfixNtXVxAJjPg").toString();
        HttpEntity<?> requestEntity = builderHeadersToBuildBotBody(email,message);
        restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.POST, requestEntity, Void.class);
        logger.info("Bot enviado com sucesso! " + nome);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Erro ao enviar Bot.", e);
        throw e;

But the error continues.但错误仍在继续。

If Spring Security is on your classpath you may need to disable authentication.如果 Spring Security 在您的类路径上,您可能需要禁用身份验证。 This is done by creating a @Configuration class which extends the WebSecurityConfigurerAdaptor这是通过创建一个扩展 WebSecurityConfigurerAdaptor 的 @Configuration 类来完成的

public class NoSecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    protected void configure(final HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {

Obviously this is something you would not want to do in production but can be useful in dev environments.显然,这是您不想在生产中做但在开发环境中很有用的事情。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Gerenciador de inconsistências no Jira</description>




    <!-- <dependency>
    </dependency> -->


    <!-- <dependency>
    </dependency>  -->

        <!-- Exclude the default Jackson dependency -->



The endpoint requires authorization and you should provide it with the request (credentials, token, etc.).端点需要授权,您应该向它提供请求(凭据、令牌等)。 Clean the cookies on Postman and I guess it'll stop working too.清理 Postman 上的 cookie,我想它也会停止工作。

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