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谁能告诉我为什么当我尝试在菜单驱动的数组操作程序中调用 Insert 或 Delete 函数时我的程序会崩溃?

[英]Can anyone tell me why my program crashes when I try to call the Insert or Delete function in a menu driven array manipulation program?

I'm trying to write a menu driven program to perform actions like create, display, insert, and delete elements from an array.我正在尝试编写一个菜单驱动程序来执行诸如创建、显示、插入和删除数组中的元素之类的操作。 The create and Display functions work just fine but whenever I try to call the insert or delete function, the program crashes and the message reads Process returned. create 和 Display 函数工作得很好,但是每当我尝试调用插入或删除函数时,程序都会崩溃并且消息读取进程返回。 I've shared my code below.我在下面分享了我的代码。 I realize that the create function is not ideal, but I've just been told to do it this way.我意识到 create 功能并不理想,但我刚刚被告知要这样做。 i'm using Code::Blocks 20.03 if that's relevant.如果相关,我正在使用 Code::Blocks 20.03。

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 50
void create(int[],int);
void display(int[],int);
void insert(int[],int*,int,int);
void deletes(int[],int*,int);

int main()
        int ch,n,a[MAX],ele,pos;
            printf("\nChoose an operation\n");
            printf("1. Create\n2. Display\n3. Insert\n4. Delete\n5. Exit\n\n");

                case 1: printf("Enter the no. of elements\n");
                create(a, n);

                case 2: display(a, n);

                case 3: printf("Enter the position at which you want to insert the element\n");
                printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
                insert(a, &n, pos, ele);

                case 4: printf("Enter the position of the element to be deleted\n");

                case 5: exit(0);

                default: printf("Invalid Input");

    void create(int a[], int n)
        int temp;
        printf("Please enter the elements\n");
        for(int i=0; i<n ; i++)
            a[i] = temp;

    void display(int a[], int n)
        printf("The array is \n");
        for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

    void insert(int a[], int*n, int pos, int ele)
            printf("Array Overflow. Cannot Insert element\n");
        else if(pos>=0 && pos<=n)
            for(int i=n-1; i>=pos; i--)
                a[i+1] = a[i];
            a[pos] = ele;
            printf("Element inserted successfully\n");
            printf("Enter a valid position\n");

    void deletes(int *a,int*n, int pos)
            for(int i = pos-1; i<n;i++)
                a[i] = a[i+1];
            printf("The element has been deleted\n");
            printf("Invalid position");

Thank you for your Help!感谢您的帮助!

In your insert and deletes functions, you are not dereferencing the pointer ( n ) given as an argument.在您的insertdeletes函数中,您不会取消引用作为参数给出的指针 ( n )。 You need to add the * operator to this variable in order to get or set the actual value of the n counter.您需要将*运算符添加到此变量中以获取或设置n计数器的实际值。

For the insert function, the corrected code is:对于insert函数,更正后的代码为:

void insert(int a[], int*n, int pos, int ele) // NOTE: "n" is a POINTER!
    if(*n==MAX) // Dereference n here
        printf("Array Overflow. Cannot Insert element\n");
    else if(pos>=0 && pos<=*n) // ... and here
        for(int i=*n-1; i>=pos; i--) // ... and here
            a[i+1] = a[i];
        a[pos] = ele;
        (*n)++; // Note the brackets here - otherwise we increment the pointer!
        printf("Element inserted successfully\n");
        printf("Enter a valid position\n");

The changes required to the deletes function are very similar. deletes功能所需的更改非常相似。

found the problem, n is a simpel int not an array there is no need in sending it as an adress so what i did in switch case:发现问题, n是一个 simpel int 不是数组,不需要将它作为地址发送,所以我在 switch case 中做了什么:

case 3: printf("Enter the position at which you want to insert the element\n");
            scanf("%d", &pos);
            printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n");
            scanf("%d", &ele);
            insert(a, n, pos, ele);

        case 4: printf("Enter the position of the element to be deleted\n");
            scanf("%d", &pos);
            deletes(a, n, pos);

and the functions looks like that now:现在的功能看起来像这样:

void insert(int a[], int n, int pos, int ele)

void deletes(int* a, int n, int pos)


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