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[英]Countifs in google sheet

I have problem with using COUNTIF in a formula,我在公式中使用COUNTIF时遇到问题,

I have three columns: O with values Yes, AE with values returning self-serve, self-serve and assisted and AH with dates.我有三列: O值是 Yes, AE值返回自助服务、自助服务和协助, AH带日期。

I need to count based on each date users that have yes in column O and having only returning self-serve and self-serve in column AE (exclude those with value assisted).我需要根据在O列中为“是”且仅在AE列中返回自助服务和自助服务的每个日期进行计数(不包括那些有价值辅助的用户)。 I tried to this formula:我试过这个公式:

=IF(OR(AND('New Self Serve'!AE:AE="new self-serve",'New Self Serve'!O:O="yes"),AND('New Self Serve'!AE:AE="returning self-serve",'New Self Serve'!O:O="yes")),countifs('New Self Serve'!AH:AH,A597)) but it doesn't work properly and returns values FALSE. =IF(OR(AND('New Self Serve'!AE:AE="new self-serve",'New Self Serve'!O:O="yes"),AND('New Self Serve'!AE:AE="returning self-serve",'New Self Serve'!O:O="yes")),countifs('New Self Serve'!AH:AH,A597))但它不能正常工作并返回值 FALSE .


You mentioned:你提到:

I need to count based on each date users that have yes in column O and having only returning self-serve and self-serve in column AE (exclude those with value assisted).我需要根据在O 列中为“是”仅在 AE 列中返回自助服务和自助服务的每个日期进行计数(不包括那些有价值辅助的用户)。

You could use a query instead您可以改用查询

=QUERY(O2:AH17,"select count(O) where AE contains 'self-serve' and O='yes' group by AH label count(O) 'COUNTED'")


Functions used:使用的功能:

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