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[英]How to change the scale of x-y axis of graph usinig R?

I made a graph using R and this is the code.我用 R 做了一个图表,这是代码。 In this graph, I wanna change the scale of xy axis.在此图中,我想更改 xy 轴的比例。

For x-axis, I want the scale unit becomes 1, not 20. Also, For y-axis, I want the scale unit becomes 100, not 500 as the graph currently has.对于 x 轴,我希望比例单位变为 1,而不是 20。此外,对于 y 轴,我希望比例单位变为 100,而不是当前图形中的 500。

What codes do I need to add more in this code?我需要在此代码中添加哪些代码? Could you tell me the method?能告诉我方法吗?

Many thanks.非常感谢。

enter image description here在此处输入图片说明

hist(m2$GW, xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,2000), main="GW distribution (Cultivar 1)", xlab="Grain weight (mg)", ylab="Frequency (%)", col="white", las=1)

Welcome to Stack Overflow J. Kim.欢迎来到 Stack Overflow J. Kim。

You can scale your x-axis simply multiplying m2$GW by the new scale and diving it by the old scale.您可以缩放 x 轴,只需将m2$GW乘以新比例并按旧比例进行划分。 Following your example, if you want the x-axis to become 1, instead of 20, you simply do: m2$GW*(20/1) .按照您的示例,如果您希望 x 轴变为 1,而不是 20,您只需执行: m2$GW*(20/1) To plot the histogram with a scaled x-axis you can do:要使用缩放的 x 轴绘制直方图,您可以执行以下操作:

hist(m2$GW, xlim=c(0,100), ylim=c(0,2000), main="GW distribution (Cultivar 1)",
     xlab="Grain weight (mg)", ylab="Frequency (%)", col="white", las=1)

Since a histogram counts the frequency of a variable, you shouldn't change the y-axis scale, otherwise, you would lose the main information of the plot, which is the count of each x-axis' value.由于直方图计算变量的频率,因此不应更改 y 轴比例,否则会丢失绘图的主要信息,即每个 x 轴值的计数。

If you still want to scale the y-axis, you can use ggplot2 package.如果你仍然想缩放 y 轴,你可以使用ggplot2包。 Something like this may solve your problem:这样的事情可能会解决您的问题:

# define convenient scales for x and y
x_scale = 500/100
y_scale = 20/1
# plot
ggplot(m2) +
  geom_histogram(aes(x = GW*x_scale, y = stat(count)*y_scale),
                 fill = 'white', colour = 'black') +
  labs(title = 'GW distribution (Cultivar 1)',
       x = 'Grain weight (mg)', y = 'Frequency (%)') +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

I hope it helped you somehow.我希望它以某种方式帮助你。

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