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passhash9 算法从何而来?

[英]Where are the passhash9 algorithm from?

I am using the Botan library which contains an algorithm named Passhash9 .我正在使用Botan库,其中包含一个名为Passhash9的算法。

It is a Password Hashing.这是一个密码哈希。 Now, I want to know where it is from.现在,我想知道它来自哪里。

who can give me some papers or links about it?谁能给我一些有关它的论文或链接?

Passhash9: https://botan.randombit.net/doxygen/dir_2f2a81ce70eadda327392ced4f630ceb.html Passhash9: https ://botan.randombit.net/doxygen/dir_2f2a81ce70eadda327392ced4f630ceb.html

Proverbially too late to answer.众所周知,为时已晚。 I had the same question too until I looked into the source code.在查看源代码之前,我也有同样的问题。 I don't know why they named it that way.我不知道他们为什么这样命名。 But apparently passhash9 is PBKDF2 ( source ).但显然passhash9是 PBKDF2( 来源)。

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