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Azure Kubernetes - Isito 与 Nginx 控制器?

[英]Azure Kubernetes - Isito vs Nginx Controller?

I am trying to deploy an application on Azure Kubernetes and trying to understand when would I use Service mesh vs Ingress controller.我正在尝试在 Azure Kubernetes 上部署一个应用程序,并试图了解何时使用服务网格与入口控制器。 As Istio service mesh is so powerful, why would anyone use Nginx Ingress controller? Istio 服务网格如此强大,为什么会有人使用 Nginx Ingress 控制器?

As you mentioned service mesh (Eg Ambassador or Istio ) is very powerful tool and has great number of advantages over simple ingress controller like Nginx .正如您提到的,服务网格(例如大使Istio )是非常强大的工具,与Nginx等简单的入口控制器相比具有很多优势。

On the other hand there are users that prefer simplicity and lightweight solutions over complex systems.另一方面,有些用户更喜欢简单和轻量级的解决方案,而不是复杂的系统。 Nginx currently offers different features in their ingress depending on the type of subscription as listed here . Nginx 目前在其入口中提供不同的功能,具体取决于此处列出的订阅类型。

Different projects have different requirements and sometimes simple nginx ingress can be more optimal choice over service mesh.不同的项目有不同的要求,有时简单的 nginx 入口可能是服务网格的最佳选择。 This is why some people decide to use it rather than learn how to use service mesh.这就是为什么有些人决定使用它而不是学习如何使用服务网格。

Check out this article which compares most of the popular kubernetes ingress controllers.查看这篇文章,它比较了大多数流行的 kubernetes 入口控制器。

This article shows a great example of pushing HAproxy and Nginx combination to its limits. 文章显示推HAProxy的和Nginx的结合到了极限的一个很好的例子。

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