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Azure kubernetes - Istio 和多​​个 kubernetes 应用程序?

[英]Azure kubernetes - Istio & multiple kubernetes applications?

I am trying to deploy multiple applications on Azure kubernetes and each application will have its own namespace and nodes (based on the nodeselector, taint & tolerance).我正在尝试在 Azure kubernetes 上部署多个应用程序,每个应用程序都有自己的命名空间和节点(基于节点选择器、污点和容忍度)。

I am also planning to deploy Istio service mesh along with the individual applications on the application specific namespace.我还计划将 Istio 服务网格与应用程序特定命名空间上的各个应用程序一起部署。

Somehow I could not make the decision on where and how many times Istio should be deployed.不知何故,我无法决定应该部署 Istio 的地点和次数。

Being Istio a service mesh, it should support multiple host/applications.作为 Istio 服务网格,它应该支持多个主机/应用程序。 However, I also want to maintain clear the segregation between the application as much as possible.但是,我也希望尽可能保持应用程序之间的隔离。

Should I go ahead and deploy Istio along with the individual applications?我应该继续将 Istio 与单个应用程序一起部署吗?

Usually the Istio control plane would be installed in its own namespace highly available one time.通常,Istio 控制平面会一次性安装在其自己的命名空间中,高度可用。 This means with multiple instances of its components.这意味着它的组件有多个实例。 Istio itself deploys envoy proxies with each istio enabled application that send their corresponding metrics to the deployed control plane. Istio 本身为每个启用了 istio 的应用程序部署了 Envoy 代理,这些应用程序将其相应的指标发送到部署的控制平面。 Hence I would advise you to install the control plane just one single time in a seperated namespace, additionally that corresponds with the segregation strategy you pursue with your applications as well.因此,我建议您在单独的命名空间中只安装一次控制平面,另外这也符合您对应用程序所采用的隔离策略。

As for how to enable istio with your applications take a look at the following document: https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/additional-setup/sidecar-injection/至于如何在您的应用程序中启用 istio,请查看以下文档: https ://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/additional-setup/sidecar-injection/

You have two options:您有两个选择:

  1. Installing the sidecar containers manually.手动安装 sidecar 容器。
  2. Let the sidecars be injected automatically.让边车自动注入。

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