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如何在 nuxt.config.js 中扩展 webpack > config > externals?

[英]How to extend webpack > config > externals in nuxt.config.js?

So I need to set the alternative to Rollup 's external option ( external: path => /^three/.test( path ) ) in Webpack所以我需要在Webpack设置Rollupexternal选项( external: path => /^three/.test( path ) )的Webpack

As I understand in webpack it's called externals , but I don't know how to set it in extend (config, ctx) {} in nuxt.config.js .正如我在webpack所理解的,它被称为externals ,但我不知道如何在nuxt.config.js中的extend (config, ctx) {}中设置它。

config.module.externals = /^three/ doesn't seem to work, even though in webpack docs I've seen this example: config.module.externals = /^three/似乎不起作用,即使在 webpack 文档中我已经看到了这个例子:

module.exports = {
  externals: /^(jquery|\$)$/i

My config in nuxt.config.js :我在nuxt.config.js配置:

        ** You can extend webpack config here
        extend (config, ctx) {
                    test: /\.(glsl|vs|fs|vert|frag)$/,
                    exclude: /node_modules/,
                    use: 'raw-loader'

I come to this since have same issue a hours ago, and this work for me :D我来这里是因为几个小时前有同样的问题,这对我有用:D

build: {
    extend(config, { isDev, isClient }) {
      config.externals = function (context, request, callback) {
        if (/xlsx|canvg|pdfmake/.test(request)) {
          return callback(null, 'commonjs ' + request)

https://webpack.js.org/configuration/externals/ https://webpack.js.org/configuration/externals/

so you don't need add config.module.external because the config is module it self所以你不需要添加 config.module.external 因为配置本身就是模块

    build: {

      extend(config, { isDev, isClient }) {
        config.externals = [
            // String
            react: 'react',
            // Object
            lodash: {
              commonjs: 'lodash',
              amd: 'lodash',
              root: '_', // indicates global variable
            // [string]
            subtract: ['./math', 'subtract'],
          // Function
          function ({ context, request }, callback) {
            if (/^yourregex$/.test(request)) {
              return callback(null, 'commonjs ' + request);
          // Regex

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