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在 Ionic 5 中使用 Capacitor 实现 Google Analytics

[英]Implementing Google Analytics in Ionic 5 with Capacitor

I am trying to implement the GA on an ionic project for days now without any luck.我正在尝试在离子项目上实施 GA 几天,但没有任何运气。

I need this to work in the browser (PWA) and Android platforms.我需要它在浏览器 (PWA) 和 Android 平台上工作。

Let's start with what docs say: https:\/\/ionicframework.com\/docs\/native\/google-analytics<\/a>让我们从文档所说的开始: https<\/a> :\/\/ionicframework.com\/docs\/native\/google-analytics


npm install cordova-plugin-google-analytics<\/code>

npm install @ionic-native\/google-analytics<\/code>

ionic cap sync<\/code>

import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
const { GoogleAnalytics } = Plugins;


initializeApp() {
    .then(() => {
        alert('Google analytics is ready now');
   .catch(e => alert(e));

So basically, first of all, I needed to use google gtag .所以基本上,首先,我需要使用 google gtag Neither Cordova nor Capacitor could solve my problem. Cordova 和 Capacitor 都无法解决我的问题。 I used "simple JS include" approach.我使用了“简单的 JS 包含”方法。


Add tracking code to the header将跟踪代码添加到标题

<!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-XXXXXXXXXX"></script>
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
<!-- End Google Analytics -->

Create a service for gtag/analytics为 gtag/analytics 创建服务

./providers/analytics/analytics.service.ts ./providers/analytics/analytics.service.ts

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
declare var gtag;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class AnalyticsService {

  constructor() { }

  startTrackerWithId(id) {
    gtag('config', id);

  trackView(pageUrl: string, screenName: string) {}

  trackEvent(category, action, label?, value?) {}

app.module.ts app.module.ts

Add AnalyticsService to the providers将 AnalyticsService 添加到提供程序

import { AnalyticsService } from './providers/analytics/analytics.service';

    declarations: [AppComponent, NotificationsComponent],
    imports: [ ... ... ],
    entryComponents: [NotificationsComponent],
    providers: [
   bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

app.component.ts app.component.ts

import { AnalyticsService } from './providers/analytics/analytics.service';

export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {

        private analyticsService: AnalyticsService,
    ) {


    initializeApp() {


First install the plugin首先安装插件

npm install cordova-plugin-google-analytics
npm install @ionic-native/google-analytics
ionic cap sync


import { GoogleAnalytics } from '@ionic-native/google-analytics/ngx';

constructor(private ga: GoogleAnalytics) { }
   .then(() => {
     console.log('Google analytics is ready now');
     // Tracker is ready
     // You can now track pages or set additional information such as AppVersion or UserId
   .catch(e => console.log('Error starting GoogleAnalytics', e));

You should use documentation to integrate your iOS and Android application with Google Analytics.您应该使用文档将您的 iOS 和 Android 应用程序与 Google Analytics 集成。

You do not need UA-XXX\/G-XXX tracking number nor you need any extra code for this.您不需要 UA-XXX\/G-XXX 跟踪号,也不需要任何额外的代码。

However you have to edit and build POD and Gradle files of your app manually in Xcode and Android Studio.但是,您必须在 Xcode 和 Android Studio 中手动编辑和构建应用程序的 POD 和 Gradle 文件。

More here on official:更多官方信息:

https:\/\/support.google.com\/analytics\/answer\/9304153?hl=en#zippy=%2Cios-app-or-android-app<\/a> https:\/\/support.google.com\/analytics\/answer\/9304153?hl=en#zippy=%2Cios-app-or-android-app<\/a>

More: https:\/\/firebase.google.com\/docs\/android\/setup<\/a>更多: https<\/a> :\/\/firebase.google.com\/docs\/android\/setup


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