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如何在 PHP 中使用 DataTAable 进行服务器端处理?

[英]How to do server-side processing using DataTAble in PHP?

I am trying to implement server-side processing of my data table but I am struggling with it.我正在尝试对我的数据表进行服务器端处理,但我正在努力解决它。 I don't have much to post because I couldn't really do anything but I am going to post my JS for the data table:我没有太多要发布的内容,因为我真的什么也做不了,但我要发布数据表的 JS:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var table = $('#dt-filter-select').DataTable({          
     "deferRender": true,          
     "order": [
        [2, "desc"]
     lengthChange: false

And the HTML table:和 HTML 表:

<table id="dt-filter-select" class="display" style="width:100%">
        <th>Log text</th>
          <?php foreach (get_all_log_history() as $logs) : ?>
             <?php echo $logs["name"]; ?>
            <?php echo $logs["log_text"]; ?>
            <?php echo $logs["log_time"]; ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

As mentioned here https://datatables.net/manual/data/ you shoud pass your data to the dataTable instance, instead of create a prefilled table and let the plugin to fill data正如这里提到的https://datatables.net/manual/data/你应该将你的数据传递给 dataTable 实例,而不是创建一个预填充表并让插件填充数据

something like this像这样的东西

$(document).ready(function() {
  var table = $('#dt-filter-select').DataTable({          
     "deferRender": true,          
     "order": [
        [2, "desc"]
     lengthChange: false,
     data: <?php echo json_parse(echo get_all_log_history()) ?>

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