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在 ASP .Net Core 3.0 中使用 Heroku PostgreSql

[英]Using Heroku PostgreSql in ASP .Net Core 3.0

I have got my web api application deployed on Heroku, which should remember and operate (increment/decrement) certain numbers.我已经在 Heroku 上部署了我的 web api 应用程序,它应该记住并操作(递增/递减)某些数字。 I thought it will be a good idea to keep those numbers in database.我认为将这些数字保存在数据库中是个好主意。 Since this is my hobby project, I chose to connect Heroku PosgreSql add-on with free plan to my app.由于这是我的爱好项目,因此我选择将具有免费计划的 Heroku PosgreSql 附加组件连接到我的应用程序。 So here is the question: how exactly do I connect my app to this database?那么问题来了:我究竟如何将我的应用程序连接到这个数据库? I have seen a lot of tutorials, but each toturial was either too overloaded with code (and little explanations to it), or described connection to local PostgreSql database (which is not what I need).我看过很多教程,但每个教程要么是代码过多(并且几乎没有解释),要么描述了与本地 PostgreSql 数据库的连接(这不是我需要的)。 I haven't do anything to this add-on except adding it to my app on app page.除了将它添加到我的应用程序页面上的应用程序之外,我没有对此附加组件做任何事情。

Here is my Startup.cs (ConfigureServices method).这是我的 Startup.cs(ConfigureServices 方法)。 ConnectionString, which I got from Postgre add-on, is located in appsettings.json. ConnectionString 是我从 Postgre 附加组件获得的,位于 appsettings.json 中。


Here is DatabaseContext.cs.这是 DatabaseContext.cs。 数据库上下文.cs

DbService class contains methods for work with database (create new entry, edit existing, delete, etc). DbService 类包含用于处理数据库的方法(创建新条目、编辑现有条目、删除等)。

I am new to web-api and databases, so I'm sorry if this question is dumb.我是 web-api 和数据库的新手,所以如果这个问题很愚蠢,我很抱歉。

Heroku provide DATABASE_URL environment variable with connection to PostgreSQL. Heroku 提供 DATABASE_URL 环境变量以连接到 PostgreSQL。 You need to transform provided url to efcore format $"Server={pgHost};Port={pgPort};User Id={pgUserId};Password={pgPassword};Database={pgDatabase}";您需要将提供的 url 转换为 efcore 格式$"Server={pgHost};Port={pgPort};User Id={pgUserId};Password={pgPassword};Database={pgDatabase}"; . .

Please check this topic for more info and examples https://github.com/jincod/dotnetcore-buildpack/issues/33请查看此主题以获取更多信息和示例https://github.com/jincod/dotnetcore-buildpack/issues/33

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