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反应原生奇怪行为以呈现 FlatList

[英]React Native odd behavior to render FlatList

My goal is to render the 20 items in one go, instead of render 10 items and after 600ms re-render the 20 items again.我的目标是一次性渲染 20 个项目,而不是渲染 10 个项目,然后在 600 毫秒后再次重新渲染 20 个项目。

I make sure only render FlatList after the fetching is done.我确保只在获取完成后呈现 FlatList。 I rely on React.useEffect and the data depedencies to re-render, to simulate effect load more when scrolling down .我依靠React.useEffectdata依赖来重新渲染, load more when scrolling down地模拟效果load more when scrolling down The behavior is the same, when scrolling down, it re-renders the entire FlatList and re-render every 10 items.行为是一样的,向下滚动时,它重新渲染整个 FlatList 并每 10 个项目重新渲染。


[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:56.797]  LOG      Album() useEffect()
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:57.510]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 1
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:57.651]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 2
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:57.758]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 3
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:57.851]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 4
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:58.700]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 5
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:58.175]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 6
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:58.272]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 7
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:58.375]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 8
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:58.525]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 9
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:31:58.654]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 10
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:04.758]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 1
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:04.940]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 2
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.106]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 3
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.240]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 4
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.420]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 5
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.530]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 6
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.608]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 7
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.737]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 8
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.885]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 9
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:05.986]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 10
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.310]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 11
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.920]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 12
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.148]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 13
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.201]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 14
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.280]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 15
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.340]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 16
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.414]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 17
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.457]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 18
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.521]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 19
[Tue Sep 15 2020 08:32:06.589]  LOG      Album() renderItem() render 20

./src/features/Album/index.js ./src/features/Album/index.js

import React from 'react';

import {
} from 'react-native';

import Swipeable from 'react-native-gesture-handler/Swipeable';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  item: {
    paddingVertical: 20,
    paddingHorizontal: 10,
  separator: {
    flex: 1,
    height: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#e4e4e4',
    marginLeft: 10,
  leftActions: {
    backgroundColor: '#388e3c',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    flex: 1, // continue to swipe.
  actionText: {
    color: '#fff',
    fontWeight: '600',
    padding: 20,
  rightActions: {
    backgroundColor: '#dd2c00',
    justifyContent: 'center',
    // flex: 1, // continue to swipe.
    alignItems: 'flex-end',

function LeftActions(progress, dragX) {
  // console.log('Album() LeftActions()', progress, dragX)
  const scale = dragX.interpolate({
    inputRange: [0, 100],
    outputRange: [0, 1],
    extrapolate: 'clamp',
  return (
    <View style={styles.leftActions}>
      <Animated.Text style={[styles.actionText, {transform: [{scale}]}]}>
        Add to Cart

function RightActions({progress, dragX, onPress}) {
  // console.log('Album() LeftActions()', progress, dragX)
  const scale = dragX.interpolate({
    inputRange: [-100, 0],
    outputRange: [1, 0],
    extrapolate: 'clamp',
  return (
    <TouchableOpacity onPress={onPress}>
      <View style={styles.rightActions}>
        <Animated.Text style={[styles.actionText, {transform: [{scale}]}]}>

function Item({item, onSwipeFromLeft, onRightPress}) {
  // console.log('Album() Item() render')
  return (
      renderRightActions={(progress, dragX) => <RightActions progress={progress} dragX={dragX} onPress={onRightPress} />}

      <View style={[styles.item]}>
        <Text>{`${item.id} ${item.title}`}</Text>

function Separator() {
  return <View style={styles.separator} />;

export default function Album() {
  const [isLoading, setLoading] = React.useState(true);
  const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = React.useState(1);
  // const [itemPerPage, setItemPerPage] = React.useState(20);
  const itemPerPage = 20;
  const [data, setData] = React.useState([]);
  const [error, setError] = React.useState();

  React.useEffect(() => {
    console.log('Album() useEffect()');
        currentPage * itemPerPage - itemPerPage
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((json) => setData((initial) => [...initial, ...json]))
      .catch((e) => setError(e))
      .finally(() => setLoading(false));
  }, [currentPage]);

  // console.log('Album()', data);

  // question: VirtualizedList: You have a large list that is slow to update - make sure your renderItem function renders components that follow React performance best practices like PureComponent, shouldComponentUpdate, etc. {"contentLength": 3179.666748046875, "dt": 627, "prevDt": 658}
  const memo = React.useMemo(() => renderItem, [data]);

  function renderItem({item}) {
    console.log('Album() renderItem() render', item.id);
    return (
        onSwipeFromLeft={() => alert('swiped from the left')}
        onRightPress={() => alert('pressed right')}

  function handleRefresh() {
    console.log('Album() handleRefresh()');

    // simulate fetch
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);

  function handleLoadMore() {
    // fake limitPage
    if (100 / itemPerPage === currentPage) return;
    console.log('Album() handleLoadMore()');

    setCurrentPage((page) => page + 1);

  return (
      {isLoading ? (
        <ActivityIndicator />
      ) : (
          {error && <Text>{error}</Text>}
              // Is this parameter bad for performance? Put it into perspective, it renders 1,5x more if this parameter is set to half.
              // initialNumToRender={itemPerPage / 2}

              keyExtractor={(item) =>
                '_' + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9) + item.id

This is how Flatlist works.这就是 Flatlist 的工作原理。

Flatlist is built on top of virtualizedList it does render only items that are visible to the screen and on a scroll, it will automatically remove/unmount the one which is out of the screen and thus providing an optimized approach to handle huge list. Flatlist 建立在virtualizedList之上,它只呈现对屏幕可见的项目,在滚动时,它会自动删除/卸载屏幕外的项目,从而提供一种优化的方法来处理巨大的列表。

But in your case, if it is going to be always 20 you can try setting initialNumToRender and mostly that should the work.但在你的情况下,如果它总是 20 你可以尝试设置initialNumToRender并且大多数情况下应该可以工作。

https://reactnative.dev/docs/flatlist#initialnumtorender https://reactnative.dev/docs/flatlist#initialnumtoender

further reading, https://reactnative.dev/docs/optimizing-flatlist-configuration进一步阅读, https://reactnative.dev/docs/optimizing-flatlist-configuration

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