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如何在 html div 的代码中显示 javascript 计时器?

[英]How do I show the javascript timer in my code in an html div?

I have a simple timer that times a test, which is working great我有一个简单的计时器来计时测试,效果很好

$(document).ready(function() {
    var varTimerInMiliseconds = 3000;
    }, varTimerInMiliseconds);

However, I also want to show the countdown to the student who is taking the test.但是,我也想向正在参加考试的学生展示倒计时。 How can I pass the timer itself into a div with the ID of id="testTimer" and how can I convert the timer into minutes and seconds rather than milliseconds?如何将计时器本身传递到 ID 为id="testTimer"的 div 中,以及如何将计时器转换为分钟和秒而不是毫秒?

This code lets you to countdown from 5 to 1 and print into testTimer div.此代码可让您从 5 到 1 倒计时并打印到testTimer div。

<div id="testTimer"></div>

JS code JS代码

function Timer() {
  var counter = 10;
  var myTimer = setInterval(function() {
    document.getElementById("testTimer").innerHTML = counter;
    if (counter < 0) {
      document.getElementById("testTimer").style.color = "red";

      // do anything then time is up. ex: submit() function
  }, 1000);

As you can see there is no need for translating milliseconds to seconds by multiplying.如您所见,无需通过乘法将毫秒转换为秒。 You just do the update of seconds once in 1000 ms.您只需每 1000 毫秒更新一次秒。 JS Feedle JS馈线

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