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Python 中的 hashmap 和 hashtable 有什么区别?

[英]What's the difference between a hashmap and a hashtable in Python?

What's the difference between a hashmap and hashtable in Python? Python 中的 hashmap 和 hashtable 有什么区别?

I know they are implemented as a dictionary container but to my knowledge, hashmaps are synchronized so they can only be operated on by one task/function at a time while hashtables can be operated on by multiple threads at once.我知道它们是作为字典容器实现的,但据我所知,哈希图是同步的,因此它们一次只能由一个任务/函数操作,而哈希表可以同时由多个线程操作。 I'm pretty sure the dictionary is a hashmap since it allows a 'None' key and 'None' values, so what would a hashtable be in Python?我很确定字典是一个哈希图,因为它允许“无”键和“无”值,那么 Python 中的哈希表是什么?

You're making an artificial distinction based on Java's collection types.您正在根据 Java 的集合类型进行人为的区分。 In normal programming jargon, a hash map and a hash table are the same thing.在普通的编程术语中,哈希映射和哈希表是一回事。

Python's dict type is more analogous to HashMap (in that it doesn't inherently provide any synchronization guarantees). Python 的dict类型更类似于HashMap (因为它本质上不提供任何同步保证)。 If you want synchronization, you need to handle it yourself ( threading.Lock with a with statement makes this pretty easy).如果你想要同步,你需要自己处理( threading.Lockwith语句使这很容易)。

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