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iOS 14 - 源应用程序的责任 - 显示广告网络签署的广告

[英]iOS 14 - Source app's responsibility - Display ads that the ad network signs

I have little bit of confusion regarding the second point mentioned for the source app's responsibility in documentation of SKADNetwork .我对SKADNetwork文档中提到的源应用程序责任的第二点有点困惑。

  1. Add the ad network's ID to its Info.plist.将广告网络的 ID 添加到其 Info.plist。
  2. Display ads that the ad network signs.显示广告网络签署的广告。

First part is done.第一部分完成。 I have addded the ad network IDs in my info.plist .我在info.plist添加了广告网络 ID。

Regarding the second part Display ads that the ad network signs .关于第二部分Display ads that the ad network signs

Is this something I need to do?这是我需要做的事情吗? Going through the documentation I see the keys but if I do have to implement it what would the value be?通过文档我看到了关键,但如果我必须实现它,价值是什么?

According to this article根据这篇文章

  1. Display the ads that the ad network signs - While this is listed under "Source App" this responsibility will ultimately fall on the ad network SDK if it is going to be handling displaying ads in the app.显示广告网络签署的广告- 虽然这列在“源应用程序”下,但如果广告网络 SDK 将在应用程序中处理显示广告,则此责任最终将由广告网络 SDK 承担。 In any case, the source app must use a set of keys when they call the loadProduct() method to describe a specific impression from the ad network's ad in order to associate an app install with an ad campaign.在任何情况下,源应用在调用 loadProduct() 方法时都必须使用一组键来描述来自广告网络广告的特定展示,以便将应用安装与广告活动相关联。

Does this means this part of code is handled by the ad sdk?这是否意味着这部分代码由广告 sdk 处理?


according to this article it seems like sdk will handle 根据这篇文章,sdk 似乎可以处理

Displaying an advertised product/initiating a validation involves calling the loadProduct(withParamters:completionBlock:) method, which requires a signature key that the ad network generates, known as the SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkAttributionSignature.显示广告产品/启动验证涉及调用 loadProduct(withParamters:completionBlock:) 方法,该方法需要广告网络生成的签名密钥,称为 SKStoreProductParameterAdNetworkAttributionSignature。

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