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在页脚处消失的粘性 div

[英]sticky div that disappers at the footer

I build a newsletter sub box that is sticky to the bottom.我建立了一个粘在底部的时事通讯子框。 I have at the bottom of the Site a static newsletter sub box.我在网站底部有一个静态通讯子框。 I want that when my sticky one reaches the one at the bottom that it floats under it and than disappers if its fully covered.我希望当我的粘性物体到达底部的物体时,它会漂浮在它下面,如果它被完全覆盖,它就会消失。 I think for the solution I must use JavaSkript but I have no experience with it.我认为对于解决方案,我必须使用 JavaSkript,但我没有使用它的经验。 It would be nice if someone can help me.如果有人可以帮助我,那就太好了。

This is basicly my sticky newsletter sub box:这基本上是我的粘性通讯子框:

<div id="newsletter" class="m-newsletter_störer">
   <div class="m-newsletter_störer-container"> </div>

and the css:和CSS:

.m-newsletter_störer {
    max-width: 900px;
    margin: auto;
    position: sticky;
    bottom: 0;

&-container {
    max-width: 800px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 2rem 1rem;
    display: flex;

    @include media('>phone') {
        padding: 3rem 1rem;

my static sub box:我的静态子框:

<div id="newsletter" class="m-newsletter">
   <div class="m-newsletter-container"> </div>

and the css:和CSS:

.m-newsletter {
    background: $green;

&-container {
    max-width: 800px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 2rem 1rem;
    display: flex;

    @include media('>phone') {
        padding: 3rem 1rem;

Also I want that my sticky sub box appers after 10s on the page.另外我希望我的粘性子框在页面上显示 10 秒后。

If you need anything else to help write a comment.如果您需要其他任何东西来帮助撰写评论。

Im not amazing at JavaScript, but I implemented something similar a while back.我在 JavaScript 方面并不出色,但我不久前实现了类似的东西。

You can hide the sticky sub box when the users scroll position is near the bottom of the page.当用户滚动位置接近页面底部时,您可以隐藏粘性子框。

$(window).scroll(function() {
   if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > ($(document).height() - 400) ) {
       //Bottom of the page

You can change the 400 value to be the height from the bottom of the page before the 'viewport-bottom' class is added.在添加 'viewport-bottom' 类之前,您可以将400值更改为距页面底部的高度。

Then just fade the opacity with css for that class.然后只需使用该类的 css 淡化不透明度。

为什么不试试 z-indexes 在粘性 tr 上放一个较低的 zindex,在页脚上放一个高的 zindex

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