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Kendo UI TreeList - 子聚合隐藏

[英]Kendo UI TreeList - Child Aggregate Hide

In my application, need to show level based records in report.在我的应用程序中,需要在报告中显示基于级别的记录。 i am using Kendo UI Treelist with aggregate.我正在使用带有聚合的 Kendo UI Treelist。 Data's are showing well and grand total are showing in all level rows.数据显示良好,总计显示在所有级别的行中。 But i need to show grand total in parent (Top) level node only.但我只需要在父(顶级)级别节点中显示总计。 It's possible to show aggregate in parent(Top) node only.可以仅在父(顶部)节点中显示聚合。 Any Property available?有房源吗? or any alter native?或任何其他本地人?

Sample URL : https://dojo.telerik.com/AVeNuluP示例网址: https : //dojo.telerik.com/AVeNuluP

Thank you in advance.先感谢您。

in Kendo Angular Tree list, This feature is not available.在 Kendo Angular Tree 列表中,此功能不可用。 Please refer below link, it is created by telerik team to develop this feature depends on business vote,请参考以下链接,由 Telerik 团队创建以开发此功能取决于商业投票,

https://feedback.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/1511260-footer-template-only-for-some-nodes https://feedback.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/1511260-footer-template-only-for-some-nodes

In JQuery Kendo Tree list, We achieved this by below code in databound event.在 JQuery Kendo Tree 列表中,我们通过以下数据绑定事件中的代码实现了这一点。

$('#grid3 .k-grid-content tbody tr.divfooterrow').remove();
$('#grid3 .k-grid-content tbody').append('<tr class="divfooterrow" data-parentid="null" style="display: table-row;"><td role="gridcell" class="locationName divselected"><span class="k-icon k-i-none"></span></td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit toBeActionedCount">' + qrVMSummary.totalToBeActionedCount.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit">' + qrVMSummary.totalToBeActionedPayout.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit"> ' + qrVMSummary.totalActionedCount.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="txtalgrit">' + qrVMSummary.totalActionedPayout.toLocaleString() + '</td><td role="gridcell" class="colId" style="display: none;"></td><td role="gridcell" class="colParentId" style="display: none;"></td><td role="gridcell" class="colLocationCode" style="display: none;"></td></tr>');

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