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[英]Averaging inputs from user

The fourth assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the average quiz grade for a group of five students.第四个作业涉及编写一个 Python 程序来计算一组五名学生的平均测验成绩。 Your program should include a list of five names.你的程序应该包括一个包含五个名字的列表。 Using a for loop, it should successively prompt the user for the quiz grade for each of the five students.使用 for 循环,它应该连续提示用户输入五个学生中每个学生的测验成绩。 Each prompt should include the name of the student whose quiz grade is to be input.每个提示都应包括要输入测验成绩的学生的姓名。 It should compute and display the average of those five grades and the highest grade.它应该计算并显示这五个等级和最高等级的平均值。 You should decide on the names of the five students.你应该决定这五个学生的名字。

So this is my assignment and below is what I have so far.所以这是我的任务,下面是我到目前为止的任务。

# This program will compute the average quiz grade for 5 students
print ("Hello, this program is designed to compute the average quiz grades for the following students: Clark, Nicole, Kiran, Alex, and Erik")

students = ["Clark", "Nicole", "Kiran", "Alex", "Erik"]
for student in students:
    print (student, ", What was your quiz grade?")
    grades = eval(input("My grade is: "))

The program asks each student what their grade is.该计划会询问每个学生的成绩。 But, I need to take the numbers and add them somehow so I can divide them afterwards for the average.但是,我需要取这些数字并以某种方式将它们相加,这样我就可以在之后将它们除以求平均值。 Can anyone advise me on the right path to fixing this?任何人都可以建议我解决这个问题的正确途径吗?

Yeah.是的。 First of all, I've fixed and formatted your code for you.首先,我已经为您修复并格式化了您的代码。

# This program will compute the average quiz grade for 5 students
print("Hello, this program is designed to compute the average quiz grades for the following students: Clark, Nicole, Kiran, Alex, and Erik")

students = ["Clark", "Nicole", "Kiran", "Alex", "Erik"]

for student in students:
    print(student, ", What was your quiz grade?")
    grades = input("My grade is: ")

So far, you can ask each of the students for a grade.到目前为止,您可以向每个学生询问成绩。 Once they tell you, you should store that inside memory.一旦他们告诉您,您应该将其存储在内存中。 A simple way to do this would be to use a list (I assume you have not learned dictionaries yet).一个简单的方法是使用列表(我假设你还没有学习字典)。

You can create a new list before asking for the grades, then add to the end of the list with every new grade a user inputs.您可以在询问成绩之前创建一个新列表,然后将用户输入的每个新成绩添加到列表末尾。

# This program will compute the average quiz grade for 5 students
print("Hello, this program is designed to compute the average quiz grades for the following students: Clark, Nicole, Kiran, Alex, and Erik")

students = ["Clark", "Nicole", "Kiran", "Alex", "Erik"]

grades = []  # create an empty list to store the grades in

for student in students:
    print(student, ", What was your quiz grade?")
    grade = input("My grade is: ")
    grades.append(int(grade))  # convert the grade to an integer number, then add it to the list

print("Here are the grades you entered: ", grades)

Now, we will need to compute for the average of the list.现在,我们需要计算列表的平均值 Recalling elementary math, the average of a set of numbers is the sum of the numbers, divided by the number of numbers there are.回顾初等数学,一组数字的平均值是这些数字的总和除以数字的数量。

In Python, you can use the built-in function sum() to calculate the sum of the numbers.在 Python 中,您可以使用内置函数sum()来计算数字的总和。 You can use the built-in function len() to get the number of elements in the list.您可以使用内置函数len()来获取列表中的元素数量。

Now, you will just have to divide the sum by the length.现在,您只需将总和除以长度即可。

average = sum(grades) / len(grades)
print("The average is:", average)

Now, in order to get the highest grade, you can use the built-in function max() .现在,为了获得最高等级,您可以使用内置函数max() This will find and return the biggest number in the array.这将找到并返回数组中最大的数字。

You can use it like this.你可以像这样使用它。

highest = max(grades)
print("The highest grade is:", highest)

In case you want the combined code:如果您想要组合代码:

# This program will compute the average quiz grade for 5 students
print("Hello, this program is designed to compute the average quiz grades for the following students: Clark, Nicole, Kiran, Alex, and Erik")

students = ["Clark", "Nicole", "Kiran", "Alex", "Erik"]

grades = []  # create an empty list to store the grades in

for student in students:
    print(student, ", What was your quiz grade?")
    grade = input("My grade is: ")
    grades.append(int(grade))  # convert the grade to an integer number, then add it to the list

print("Here are the grades you entered: ", grades)

average = sum(grades) / len(grades)
print("The average is:", average)

highest = max(grades)
print("The highest grade is:", highest)


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