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调用 GetComputerNameA 时,程序无错误地崩溃

[英]When calling GetComputerNameA, the program crash without errors

I am trying to call GetComputerNameA from AutoIt, this is my code:我正在尝试从 AutoIt 调用GetComputerNameA ,这是我的代码:

Local $mystruct = DllStructCreate(toStr("struct;dword;char[1024];endstruct"))
DllStructSetData($mystruct, 1, 1024)
Local $result = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "GetComputerNameA", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($mystruct, 2), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($mystruct, 1))
MsgBox(0, "AutoIt", "Success")  

But after I run it, it doesn't print anything, like the script crashed without errors.但是在我运行它之后,它没有打印任何东西,就像脚本没有错误地崩溃了一样。
Any idea why it failed to call it?知道为什么它无法调用它吗?

It has two parameters, specifically :它有两个参数, 具体来说

BOOL GetComputerNameA(
  LPSTR   lpBuffer,

The first is a LPSTR (pointer to a char array), the second is a LPDWORD (pointer to an unsigned int ).第一个是LPSTR (指向char数组的指针),第二个是LPDWORD (指向unsigned int的指针)。

Here is how you'd call that:您可以这样称呼它:

Func _get_computer_name()
    Local $dll_struct = DllStructCreate("char[17]")
    $sz = DllStructCreate('int')
    Local $x = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int","GetComputerNameA","ptr",DllStructGetPtr($dll_struct),"int_ptr",DllStructGetPtr($sz))

    Return DllStructGetData($dll_Struct,1)

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