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[英]TYPO3: Fluid inserted menu has no items

I try to learn and understand Fluid based TYPO3 site packages better and roughly followed this tutorial: TYPO3 Sitepackage Tutorial .我尝试更好地学习和理解基于 Fluid 的 TYPO3 站点包,并大致遵循了本教程: TYPO3 站点包教程 I deviated from it in a few points though, to keep it simple (I omitted everything related to Jumbotron and substituted it with a simpler menu of my own creation.不过,为了保持简单,我在几点上偏离了它(我省略了与 Jumbotron 相关的所有内容,并用我自己创建的更简单的菜单代替它。

This is the partial I generated for the menu:这是我为菜单生成的部分:

<div class="mainmenu">
<f:for each="{mainnavigation}" as="mainnavigationItem">
    <span class="nav-item {f:if(condition: mainnavigationItem.active, then: 'active')}">
        <a class="nav-link" 

My site package actually works to some extend and I could generate a main page and some sub pages with it.我的站点 package 实际上在一定程度上可以工作,我可以用它生成一个主页和一些子页面。 Unfortunately my menu items/sub pages links are not shown though.不幸的是,我的菜单项/子页面链接没有显示。 They are not added to the menu.它们不会添加到菜单中。 It seems that the MenuProcessor object is empty.似乎 MenuProcessor object 是空的。 I know the respective partial is actually rendered, because I can see static parts included in the page, but nothing else.我知道相应的部分实际上已呈现,因为我可以看到页面中包含 static 个部分,但没有别的。 In short: The for-loop does not produce anything.简而言之:for 循环不产生任何结果。 I assume there are no "mainnavigationItems" found for some reason.我假设由于某种原因没有找到“mainnavigationItems”。 Maybe I am just missing a simple setting somewhere, that has nothing to do with Fluid or sitepackages.也许我只是在某处遗漏了一个简单的设置,它与 Fluid 或站点包无关。

Here's the code for my setup.typoscript file:这是我的setup.typoscript文件的代码:

@import 'EXT:fluid_styled_content/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.typoscript'

page = PAGE
page {
   typeNum = 0

   10 {
      templateName = TEXT
      templateName.stdWrap.cObject = CASE
      templateName.stdWrap.cObject {
         key.data = pagelayout

         pagets__site_package_default = TEXT
         pagets__site_package_default.value = Default

         default = TEXT
         default.value = Default
      templateRootPaths {
         0 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Templates/Page/
         1 = {$page.fluidtemplate.templateRootPath}
      partialRootPaths {
         0 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Partials/Page/
         1 = {$page.fluidtemplate.partialRootPath}
      layoutRootPaths {
         0 = EXT:site_package/Resources/Private/Layouts/Page/
         1 = {$page.fluidtemplate.layoutRootPath}
      dataProcessing {
        10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
        10 {
            levels = 1
            includeSpacer = 1
            as = mainnavigation     

   includeCSS {
        website = EXT:site_package/Resources/Public/Css/look.css

   includeJSFooter {
      website = EXT:site_package/Resources/Public/JavaScript/myscript.js

config {
   absRefPrefix = auto
   cache_period = 86400
   debug = 0
   disablePrefixComment = 1
   doctype = html5
   extTarget =
   index_enable = 1
   index_externals = 1
   index_metatags = 1
   inlineStyle2TempFile = 1
   intTarget =
   linkVars = L
   metaCharset = utf-8
   no_cache = 0
   pageTitleFirst = 1
   prefixLocalAnchors = all
   removeDefaultJS = 0
   sendCacheHeaders = 1

   // Compression and concatenation of CSS and JS Files
   compressCss = 0
   compressJs = 0
   concatenateCss = 0
   concatenateJs = 0

Do you have any ideas, why my menu shows no items?你有什么想法,为什么我的菜单没有显示任何项目? Thank you for your time!感谢您的时间!

I figured something out by myself: It seems I cannot place the menu in a partial.我自己想出了一些办法:看来我不能将菜单放在一个部分中。 I integrated that part in the main layout template instead and now the menu items are listed.我将该部分集成到主布局模板中,现在列出了菜单项。

I can only assume, that some kind of information is not automatically passed forward to where it would be needed, when the partial file is rendered.我只能假设,当呈现部分文件时,某种信息不会自动传递到需要它的地方。

I think you have to add a starting point or a list of pages to your typoscript.我认为您必须在打字稿中添加起点或页面列表。

dataProcessing {
10 = TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\MenuProcessor
10 {
  levels = 1
  special = list
  special.value = 1,2,3,4
  # or
  special = directory
  special.value = 3
  includeSpacer = 1
  as = mainnavigation     

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