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Swift 防止 TabBar 在键盘处于活动状态时向上移动

[英]Swift prevent TabBar from moving up when Keyboard is active

so whenever My Keyboard toggles the Tabbar moves up with it like shown in the image.所以每当我的键盘切换时,Tabbar 就会像图像中显示的那样向上移动。 Is there a way to prevent this when the Keyboard is active?当键盘处于活动状态时,有没有办法防止这种情况? My version is iOS 14 and XCode 12 Thanks in advance!我的版本是 iOS 14 和 XCode 12 提前致谢!

/// Corretion: How can I modify any View in SwiftUI to prevent moving up when the Keyboard shows up? /// 更正:如何在 SwiftUI 中修改任何视图以防止在键盘出现时向上移动?

struct SwiftUIView: View {
@State var text = ""
var body: some View {
        TextField("Text", text: $text)
            Text(">>Don't Move Me Up When Keyboard Is Active<<")

} }


simulator view when tabbar moves up when keyboard is active当键盘处于活动状态时标签栏向上移动时的模拟器视图


.ignoresSafeArea(.keyboard, edges: .bottom)

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