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构建 DLL 时出现 C++ 错误:const wchar_t* 类型的参数与 LPWSTR 类型的参数不兼容

[英]C++ error when building DLL: argument of type const wchar_t* is incompatible with parameter of type LPWSTR

I am a complete novice to C++ programming.我是 C++ 编程的完全新手。

I need to create a DLL using header and solution files that were provided in a tutorial.我需要使用教程中提供的头文件和解决方案文件创建一个 DLL。 I have followed basic steps from here but, I am getting following errors in the solution file:我已经按照这里的基本步骤进行操作,但是在解决方案文件中出现以下错误:

L111 !CreateProcess(L".\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc.exe", L111 !CreateProcess(L".\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc.exe",

L112 TEXT(".\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc.exe .\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc_input.txt .\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc_input.out .\\\\phreeqc\\\\wateq4f_plus.dat") L112 TEXT(".\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc.exe .\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc_input.txt .\\\\phreeqc\\\\phreeqc_input.out .\\\\phreeqc\\\\wateq4f_plus.dat")


L111 L111


L112 L112

E0167 argument of type "const wchar_t*" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPWSTR". E0167 “const wchar_t*”类型的参数与“LPWSTR”类型的参数不兼容。

I understand that the specifics in the above lines of code will not mean much to many of you but I am hoping that someone can at least understand the C++ error and help out here.我知道上述代码行中的细节对你们中的许多人来说意义不大,但我希望有人至少可以理解 C++ 错误并在这里提供帮助。

The Unicode version of CreateProcess (which is a macro that maps to CreateProcessW ) requires a writable string for the lpCommandLine parameter, and string literals are const . CreateProcess的 Unicode 版本(它是一个映射到CreateProcessW的宏)需要一个可写字符串作为lpCommandLine参数,并且字符串文字是const You therefore cannot pass a string literal directly for this parameter.因此,您不能直接为此参数传递字符串文字。

Instead, you can change your code like so:相反,您可以像这样更改代码:

WCHAR lpCommandLine [] = L"...";
BOOL ok = CreateProcess (L"your_application_name_here", lpCommandLine, ...);

Documentation here文档在这里


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