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[英]Reverse to STRING_AGG

Here is a sample data on which we are further processing.这是我们正在进一步处理的示例数据。

create table #tmp (id int identity(1,1), na varchar(10),me varchar(10))
insert into #tmp (na,me)
select * from #tmp

My question is, is there any exact reverse of the STRING_AGG function for SQL Server?我的问题是,对于 SQL 服务器,是否存在与STRING_AGG function 完全相反的情况?

Like I am merging using STRING_AGG with the following code就像我将STRING_AGG与以下代码合并

select na, STRING_AGG(me,',') as me into #tmp1 from #tmp group by na
select * from #tmp1

I need to reverse the process but I had to use CURSOR so I am searching for an alternative solution.我需要逆转这个过程,但我不得不使用 CURSOR,所以我正在寻找替代解决方案。

Below is the cursor code for better understanding the purpose.下面是 cursor 代码,以便更好地理解其用途。

declare @na varchar(10)
declare @me varchar(max)
create table #tmp3 (na varchar(10),me varchar(10))

declare dbc cursor for select na, me from #tmp1
open dbc

while 1=1
    fetch next from dbc into @na, @me

    if @@FETCH_STATUS <> 0

    insert into #tmp3 (na,me)
    select @na, value
    from string_split(@me,',')

close dbc
deallocate dbc

select * from #tmp3

--Delete temp table

drop table #tmp
drop table #tmp1
drop table #tmp3

There is similar string_split is available which can be used, eg有类似的string_split可用,可以使用,例如

for each string_agg using cross apply we can convert them back to rows,对于每个使用cross applystring_agg ,我们可以将它们转换回行,

select na,c.value
(select na, string_agg(me,',') as me
   from #tmp 
  group by na
) t
cross apply string_split(me, ',') c;

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