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从 aws cli 部署到 lambda edge function

[英]Deploy to lambda edge function from aws cli

I am in the process of automating our deploy for a Lambda Edge function using Octopus Deploy我正在使用 Octopus Deploy 自动部署 Lambda Edge function

I have added a step to deploy the latest js code to the function, and clear the cloudfront cache, which work great.我在function上添加了一个部署最新js代码的步骤,并清除了云端缓存,效果很好。 The issue I have is I need to use an aws cli command to deploy my function to the edge.我遇到的问题是我需要使用 aws cli 命令将我的 function 部署到边缘。 However I'm not sure how to do this.但是我不确定该怎么做。 If I was doing this in the console, I would use this:如果我在控制台中这样做,我会使用这个:

https://i.stack.imgur.com/s1mL5.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/s1mL5.png

I have looked at the AWS Lambda documentation but it doesn't seem clear on how to deploy an Edge function.我查看了 AWS Lambda 文档,但似乎不清楚如何部署 Edge function。

Can anyone advise please?有人可以建议吗?

The section Deploy to Lambda@Edge inside the AWS Lambda console calls the CloudFront API Update Distribution with the LambdaFunctionAssociations parameter. Deploy to Lambda@Edge部分使用 LambdaFunctionAssociations 参数调用 CloudFront API 更新分发。

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/cloudfront/update-distribution.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/cloudfront/update-distribution.html

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