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Power BI 上的切片器和过滤器

[英]Slicer and filter on power BI

I am working a data visualization and I have removed any filter on the whole page and also turned off all the filters on the visualization as well as the page.我正在处理数据可视化,我已经删除了整个页面上的所有过滤器,还关闭了可视化和页面上的所有过滤器。 I still see cannot see the data.我仍然看不到数据。


But I see the data is still getting filtered, How do I remove these?但我看到数据仍在过滤中,如何删除这些数据?


this is how my visualization looks like.这就是我的可视化效果。


The screenshot in your comment clearly shows two slicers that define a date range.您评论中的屏幕截图清楚地显示了两个定义日期范围的切片器。 The visual is filtered by these slicers, not by page filters or filters on the visual.视觉对象由这些切片器过滤,而不是页面过滤器或视觉对象上的过滤器。 This is working as intended and is not a malfunction.这是按预期工作的,并非故障。

If you don't want the slicers to filter the visual, you need to configure the cross filtering for the visual.如果不希望切片器过滤视觉对象,则需要为视觉对象配置交叉过滤。 Use Format > Edit Interactions to control which slicers affect which visuals.使用格式 > 编辑交互来控制哪些切片器影响哪些视觉效果。 Select the slicer, then click the icon on the target visual that looks like this: Select 切片器,然后单击目标视觉对象上的图标,如下所示:


In your screenshot, the visible slicers and the slicers in the pop-up of the visual have different names.在您的屏幕截图中,可视化弹出窗口中的可见切片器和切片器具有不同的名称。 That points to slicers that have been deleted from the page but are still filtering the data.这指向已从页面中删除但仍在过滤数据的切片器。

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