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如何:使用 JsonConfiguration 在 ReactJS 中使用 AnyChart.js 更改 aera 图表的颜色

[英]How to: Changing color of aera chart with AnyChart.js in ReactJS using JsonConfiguration

Toying around with anychart and react.玩弄任何图表并做出反应。 Using anychart alone, following tutorials and guides i managed to set colors of area as i wish within normal javascript.单独使用 anychart,按照教程和指南,我设法在普通 javascript 中按照我的意愿设置区域的颜色。 But react useses some type of json configurator.但是 React 使用了某种类型的 json 配置器。

I want to convert this :我想转换这个

anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {

    // create a data set
    var data = anychart.data.set([
      ["January", 12000, 10000],
      ["February", 15000, 12000],
      ["March", 16000, 18000],
      ["April", 15000, 11000],
      ["May", 14000, 9000]

    // map the data
    var seriesData_1 = data.mapAs({x: 0, value: 1});
    var seriesData_2 = data.mapAs({x: 0, value: 2});

    // create a chart
    var chart = anychart.area();

    // set the interactivity mode

    // create the first series, set the data and name
    var series1 = chart.area(seriesData_1);

    // configure the visual settings of the first series
    series1.normal().fill("#00cc99", 0.3);
    series1.hovered().fill("#00cc99", 0.1);
    series1.selected().fill("#00cc99", 0.5);
    series1.normal().stroke("#00cc99", 1, "10 5", "round");
    series1.hovered().stroke("#00cc99", 2, "10 5", "round");
    series1.selected().stroke("#00cc99", 4, "10 5", "round");

    // create the second series, set the data and name  
    var series2 = chart.area(seriesData_2);

    // configure the visual settings of the second series
    series2.normal().fill("#0066cc", 0.3);
    series2.hovered().fill("#0066cc", 0.1);
    series2.selected().fill("#0066cc", 0.5);
    series2.normal().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
    series2.hovered().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
    series2.selected().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
    series2.hovered().stroke("#0066cc", 2);
    series2.selected().stroke("#0066cc", 4);

    // set the chart title
    chart.title("Area Chart: Appearance");

    // set the titles of the axes
    chart.yAxis().title("Sales, $");

    // set the container id

    // initiate drawing the chart

into this type of react json config进入这种类型的反应json 配置

const complexSettings = {
  width: 800,
  height: 600,
  type: 'column',
  data: "P1,5\nP2,3\nP3,6\nP4,4",
  title: 'Column chart',
  yAxis: [1, {
    orientation: 'right',
    enabled: true,
    labels: {
      format: '{%Value}{decimalPoint:\\,}',
      fontColor: 'red'
  legend: {
    background: 'lightgreen 0.4',
    padding: 0
  lineMarker: {
    value: 4.5

I have tried out many different JSON configuration, none of those seem to work.我尝试了许多不同的 JSON 配置,但似乎都不起作用。

Closest I got to working was pretty simple chart with no extra settings and default fill:最近我开始工作的是非常简单的图表,没有额外的设置和默认填充:

           var data_chart= [[1,2][3,4],[5,6]]
           var chart1_settings = {
                id: "Aera chart 1 ",
                width: "100%",
                height: 600,
                type: 'area',
                data: data_chart.map( (i)=> {return {x: i[0], value: i[1]} } ),          
                label: {
                    text: '',
                    width: "100%",
                    height: "100%",
                    fontSize: '45px',
                    fontColor: "#fff",
                    hAlign: 'center',
                    vAlign: 'middle'
                title: {
                    text: '',
                    fontColor: "#fff",
                    fontWeight: 'bold'

<AnyChart {...chart1_settings}/>

Basically I want to change fill of the area chart .基本上我想改变面积图的填充 Where should I add : fill: 'red' !?我应该在哪里添加 :fill: 'red' !?

The JSON configuration doesn't include all possible settings. JSON 配置不包括所有可能的设置。 For complex settings, we recommend using instance approach.对于复杂的设置,我们建议使用实例方法。 Using this approach you have access to the whole library API and can apply any settings you need.使用这种方法,您可以访问整个库 API,并可以应用您需要的任何设置。 Like this:像这样:

// create a data set
    var data = anychart.data.set([
      ["January", 12000, 10000],
      ["February", 15000, 12000],
      ["March", 16000, 18000],
      ["April", 15000, 11000],
      ["May", 14000, 9000]

    // map the data
    var seriesData_1 = data.mapAs({x: 0, value: 1});
    var seriesData_2 = data.mapAs({x: 0, value: 2});

    // create a chart
    var chart = anychart.area();

    // set the interactivity mode

    // create the first series, set the data and name
    var series1 = chart.area(seriesData_1);

    // configure the visual settings of the first series
    series1.normal().fill("#00cc99", 0.3);
    series1.hovered().fill("#00cc99", 0.1);
    series1.selected().fill("#00cc99", 0.5);
    series1.normal().stroke("#00cc99", 1, "10 5", "round");
    series1.hovered().stroke("#00cc99", 2, "10 5", "round");
    series1.selected().stroke("#00cc99", 4, "10 5", "round");

    // create the second series, set the data and name  
    var series2 = chart.area(seriesData_2);

    // configure the visual settings of the second series
    series2.normal().fill("#0066cc", 0.3);
    series2.hovered().fill("#0066cc", 0.1);
    series2.selected().fill("#0066cc", 0.5);
    series2.normal().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
    series2.hovered().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
    series2.selected().hatchFill("forward-diagonal", "#0066cc", 1, 15);
    series2.hovered().stroke("#0066cc", 2);
    series2.selected().stroke("#0066cc", 4);

    // set the titles of the axes
    chart.yAxis().title("Sales, $");

    title="Area Chart: Appearance"
  />, document.getElementById('root'));

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