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[英]How to partially specialize a class template for all derived types?

I want to partially specialize an existing template that I cannot change ( std::tr1::hash ) for a base class and all derived classes.我想为基类和所有派生类部分专门化我无法更改的现有模板( std::tr1::hash )。 The reason is that I'm using the curiously-recurring template pattern for polymorphism, and the hash function is implemented in the CRTP base class.原因是我使用奇怪重复的模板模式来实现多态性,并且哈希函数是在 CRTP 基类中实现的。 If I only want to partially specialize for a the CRTP base class, then it's easy, I can just write:如果我只想部分专注于 CRTP 基类,那很容易,我可以写:

namespace std { namespace tr1 {

template <typename Derived>
struct hash<CRTPBase<Derived> >
    size_t operator()(const CRTPBase<Derived> & base) const 
        return base.hash(); 

} }

But this specialization doesn't match actual derived classes, only CRTPBase<Derived> .但是这种专业化与实际派生类不匹配,仅匹配CRTPBase<Derived> What I want is a way of writing a partial specialization for Derived if and only if it derives from CRTPBase<Derived> .我想要的是一种为Derived编写部分专业化的方法,当且仅当它派生自CRTPBase<Derived> My pseudo-code is我的伪代码是

namespace std { namespace tr1 {

template <typename Derived>
struct hash<typename boost::enable_if<std::tr1::is_base_of<CRTPBase<Derived>, Derived>,
    size_t operator()(const CRTPBase<Derived> & base) const 
        return base.hash(); 

} }

...but that doesn't work because the compiler can't tell that enable_if<condition, Derived>::type is Derived . ...但这不起作用,因为编译器无法判断enable_if<condition, Derived>::typeDerived If I could change std::tr1::hash , I'd just add another dummy template parameter to use boost::enable_if , as recommended by the enable_if documentation, but that's obviously not a very good solution.如果我可以更改std::tr1::hash ,我只需按照enable_if文档的建议添加另一个虚拟模板参数来使用boost::enable_if ,但这显然不是一个很好的解决方案。 Is there a way around this problem?有没有办法解决这个问题? Do I have to specify a custom hash template on every unordered_set or unordered_map I create, or fully specialize hash for every derived class?我是否必须在我创建的每个unordered_setunordered_map上指定自定义哈希模板,或者为每个派生类完全专门化hash

There are two variants in the following code.以下代码中有两种变体。 You could choose more appropriated for you.你可以选择更适合你的。

template <typename Derived>
struct CRTPBase
    size_t hash() const {return 0; }

// First case 
// Help classes
struct DummyF1 {};
struct DummyF2 {};
struct DummyF3 {};
template<typename T> struct X; 

// Main classes
template<> struct X<DummyF1> : CRTPBase< X<DummyF1> > {
    int a1;

template<> struct X<DummyF2> : CRTPBase< X<DummyF2> > {
    int b1;

// typedefs
typedef X<DummyF1> F1;
typedef X<DummyF2> F2;
typedef DummyF3    F3; // Does not work

namespace std { namespace tr1 {
    template<class T>
    struct hash< X<T> > {
        size_t operator()(const CRTPBase< X<T> > & base) const     
            return base.hash();     
}} // namespace tr1 // namespace std 


// Second case
struct DummyS1 : CRTPBase <DummyS1> {
    int m1;
template<typename T> 
struct Y : T {};
typedef Y<DummyS1> S1;

namespace std { namespace tr1 {
    template<class T>
    struct hash< Y<T> > {
        size_t operator()(const CRTPBase<T> & base) const     
            return base.hash();     
}} // namespace tr1 // namespace std 

void main1()
    using std::tr1::hash;
    F1 f1;
    F2 f2;
    F3 f3;
    hash<F1> hf1; size_t v1 = hf1(f1); // custom hash functor
    hash<F2> hf2; size_t v2 = hf2(f2); // custom hash functor
    hash<F3> hf3; size_t v3 = hf3(f3); // error: standard hash functor

    S1 s1;
    hash<S1> hs1; size_t w1 = hs1(s1); // custom hash functor


Instead of modifying std::tr1::hash you should make your own namespace and define there new structure hash which inherited from std::tr1::hash or is specialized for CRTPBase<Derived> .而不是修改std::tr1::hash您应该创建自己的命名空间并在那里定义从std::tr1::hash继承或专门用于CRTPBase<Derived>的新结构hash

template <typename Derived>
struct CRTPBase
    size_t hash() {return 0; }

struct AA : CRTPBase <AA> {};
struct BB {};
namespace mynamespace {

template <typename Some, typename Dummy=char> 
struct hash : std::tr1::hash<Some> {};
template <typename Derived>
struct hash<Derived, 
  typename boost::enable_if< std::tr1::is_base_of<CRTPBase<Derived>, Derived>, char>::type >
    size_t operator()(const CRTPBase<Derived> & base) const     
        return base.hash();     

} // namespace mynamespace {}
void ff()
    using namespace mynamespace;

    hash<AA> aa;  // my hash
    hash<BB> bb;  // std::tr1::hash


C++20 edition: C++20 版:

#include <concepts>
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_set> // just for demo in main()

template <class T>
class Base {};

class Derived final : public Base<Derived> {};

template<class T>
requires std::derived_from<T, Base<T>>
struct std::hash<T> {
  // constexpr is optional
  constexpr size_t operator() (const T& value) const noexcept {
    return 0xDEADBEEF; // FIXME: do something better :)

int main() {
  // If operator() weren't constexpr, this couldn't be a *static* assert
  static_assert(std::hash<Derived>()(Derived {}) == 0xDEADBEEF);
  std::unordered_set<Derived> usageTest;
  return 0;

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