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Github 提交:致命:无法处理路径:d_Visibility_Hidded@2x.png.meta

[英]Github commit: Fatal: unable to process path: d_Visibility_Hidded@2x.png.meta

error: lstat("MMRA/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.2d.animation@4.2.4/Editor/Assets/SkinningModule/Icons/Selected/d_Visibility_Hidded@2x.png.meta"): Filename too long
fatal: Unable to process path MMRA/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.2d.animation@4.2.4/Editor/Assets/SkinningModule/Icons/Selected/d_Visibility_Hidded@2x.png.meta

Trying to commit a Unity2D project and Github doesn't see to like these filetypes.尝试提交 Unity2D 项目和 Github 不喜欢这些文件类型。 It's a file for a blank Unity project so not a file I made (meaning I probably shouldn't just remove it).这是一个空白 Unity 项目的文件,所以不是我制作的文件(这意味着我可能不应该只是删除它)。

I also tried git config --system core.longpaths true and that didn't fix either error, which is why I believe the second error is the true problem rather than a long filename (which isn't even that long).我也试过git config --system core.longpaths true并且没有解决任何一个错误,这就是为什么我认为第二个错误是真正的问题而不是长文件名(甚至没有那么长)。

I've seen similar posts about a similar error, but most involve "Permission denied" which this doesn't, or they're about other filetypes where the solution is "just delete it" which I feel like I shouldn't do in this case.我见过关于类似错误的类似帖子,但大多数涉及“权限被拒绝”,这不是,或者它们是关于其他文件类型,其中解决方案是“删除它”,我觉得我不应该这样做这个案例。

You should not add your project's Library folder to version control at all.您根本不应将项目的Library文件夹添加到版本控制中。

A typical .gitignore file for a Unity project should at least have these entries: Unity 项目的典型 .gitignore 文件至少应包含以下条目:


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