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打开嵌入在 VSTO 插件中的文件?

[英]Open a file embedded in a VSTO Addin?

I'd like to include a "help" file in my Outlook VSTO addin.我想在我的 Outlook VSTO 插件中包含一个“帮助”文件。 I'd like it to just be a word doc which is somehow embedded in the addin in such a way that it doesn't just open the file from a network drive, but rather the word doc itself is part of the installed VSTO and the user can just open it from the addin.我希望它只是一个 word doc,它以某种方式嵌入到插件中,这样它不仅可以从网络驱动器打开文件,而且 word doc 本身也是已安装的 VSTO 和用户可以从插件打开它。 I am working in VB.NET.我在 VB.NET 工作。 Ideas??想法??

You can achieve this by adding the file as resource.您可以通过将文件添加为资源来实现此目的。 Using visual studio it's as easy as peeling a banana.使用 Visual Studio 就像剥香蕉皮一样简单。 I use it to store my manual (A Word file).我用它来存储我的手册(一个 Word 文件)。

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