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问题 - 具有多个 if else 语句的函数

[英]Problem - function with multiple if else statements

I want to make a function, that replaces element on specific time and changes HTML inside.我想创建一个函数,在特定时间替换元素并更改内部的 HTML。 I'm getting current time in hours and minutes and I'm trying to solve it by logical operators.我正在以小时和分钟为单位获取当前时间,并且我正在尝试通过逻辑运算符来解决它。 I don't know, how to solve it properly (I'm not familiar with objects or methods yet), but I tried my best - I will be grateful, if someone shows me how to make it work or some better way to do this (but it should be just JavaScript or jQuery).我不知道如何正确解决它(我还不熟悉对象或方法),但我尽力了 - 如果有人向我展示如何使其工作或更好的方法,我将不胜感激这个(但它应该只是 JavaScript 或 jQuery)。

 function messageOnSpecificTime(){ var date=new Date(); var hour=date.getHours(); var minutes=date.getMinutes(); // var messageBox=document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message"); if (hour>=8 && hour<9 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30){ document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=8 && hour<9 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59){ document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=9 && hour<10 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=9 && hour<10 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=10 && hour<11 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=10 && hour<11 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59){ document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=11 && hour<12 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30){ document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=11 && hour<12 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=12 && hour<13 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=12 && hour<13 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=13 && hour<14 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=13 && hour<14 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=14 && hour<15 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=14 && hour<15 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=15 && hour<16 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=15 && hour<16 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=16 && hour<17 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=16 && hour<17 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=17 && hour<18 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=17 && hour<18 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=18 && hour<19 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=18 && hour<19 && minutes>=30 && minutes<59) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else if (hour>=19 && hour<20 && minutes>=0 && minutes<30) { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "Message 8:00 - 8:30" } else { document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-message").innerHTML = "All for today folks!" } } window.onload = function() { setInterval(messageOnSpecificTime(),6000) }

Using Conditional (ternary) operator .使用条件(三元)运算符
I've split hour+":"+(minutes<30?"00":"30")+" to "+(hour+(minutes<30?0:1))+":"+(minutes<30?"30":"00") in the code snippet to multiple lines to be able to track the logic.我已将hour+":"+(minutes<30?"00":"30")+" to "+(hour+(minutes<30?0:1))+":"+(minutes<30?"30":"00")拆分hour+":"+(minutes<30?"00":"30")+" to "+(hour+(minutes<30?0:1))+":"+(minutes<30?"30":"00")在代码片段中添加到多行,以便能够跟踪逻辑。

 function messageOnSpecificTime(date=new Date()){ // var date=new Date(); var hour=date.getHours(); var minutes=date.getMinutes(); var message= hour+":"+ (minutes<30?"00":"30")+ " to "+ (hour+ (minutes<30?0:1) )+ ":"+ (minutes<30?"30":"00") ; return message; }; console.log(messageOnSpecificTime()); console.log(messageOnSpecificTime(new Date("8/8/88 7:00"))); console.log(messageOnSpecificTime(new Date("8/8/88 7:18"))); console.log(messageOnSpecificTime(new Date("8/8/88 7:47"))); console.log(messageOnSpecificTime(new Date("8/8/88 23:47")));

Apart from the fact that this gets an hour and minutes from select list and needs to convert the hour value into a number to add 1 (which wouldn't happen in the actual code as that should already be a number), why not just do:除了这从选择列表中获取一个小时和分钟并且需要将小时值转换为一个数字以加 1(这在实际代码中不会发生,因为它应该已经是一个数字)之外,为什么不这样做:

 function messageOnSpecificTime() { let h = document.getElementById("hours").value; let m = document.getElementById("minutes").value; let msg = ""; if (m < 30) { msg = h + ":00 - " + h + ":30"; } else { msg = h + ":30 - " + (Number(h) + 1) + ":00"; } document.getElementById("message").innerHTML = msg; }
 Pick an hour: <select id="hours"> <option value=0>0</option> <option value=1>1</option> <option value=2>2</option> <option value=3>3</option> <option value=4>4</option> <option value=5>5</option> <option value=6>6</option> <option value=7>7</option> <option value=8>8</option> <option value=9>9</option> <option value=10>10</option> <option value=11>11</option> <option value=12>12</option> <option value=13>13</option> <option value=14>14</option> <option value=15>15</option> <option value=16>16</option> <option value=17>17</option> <option value=18>18</option> <option value=19>19</option> <option value=20>20</option> <option value=21>21</option> <option value=22>22</option> <option value=23>23</option> </select> Pick minutes: <select id="minutes"> <option value=0>0</option> <option value=1>1</option> <option value=2>2</option> <option value=3>3</option> <option value=4>4</option> <option value=5>5</option> <option value=6>6</option> <option value=7>7</option> <option value=8>8</option> <option value=9>9</option> <option value=10>10</option> <option value=11>11</option> <option value=12>12</option> <option value=13>13</option> <option value=14>14</option> <option value=15>15</option> <option value=16>16</option> <option value=17>17</option> <option value=18>18</option> <option value=19>19</option> <option value=20>20</option> <option value=21>21</option> <option value=22>22</option> <option value=23>23</option> <option value=24>24</option> <option value=25>25</option> <option value=26>26</option> <option value=27>27</option> <option value=28>28</option> <option value=29>29</option> <option value=30>30</option> <option value=31>31</option> <option value=32>32</option> <option value=33>33</option> <option value=34>34</option> <option value=35>35</option> <option value=36>36</option> <option value=37>37</option> <option value=38>38</option> <option value=39>39</option> <option value=40>40</option> <option value=41>41</option> <option value=42>42</option> <option value=43>43</option> <option value=44>44</option> <option value=45>45</option> <option value=46>46</option> <option value=47>47</option> <option value=48>48</option> <option value=49>49</option> <option value=50>50</option> <option value=51>51</option> <option value=52>52</option> <option value=53>53</option> <option value=54>54</option> <option value=55>55</option> <option value=56>56</option> <option value=57>57</option> <option value=58>58</option> <option value=59>59</option> </select> <button onclick="messageOnSpecificTime();">Show message</button><br> <br> <span id="message"></span>

Assuming you've an individual message for the each time range, you could build a timer to show the messages, and consider the messages being data instead of them being a part of the code, like they are in your example.假设您在每个时间范围内都有一条单独的消息,您可以构建一个计时器来显示消息,并将消息视为数据而不是它们作为代码的一部分,就像它们在您的示例中一样。 In the below code, the messages are stored in a simple object, a key representing the time, and a value being the message itself.在下面的代码中,消息存储在一个简单的对象中,一个表示时间的键,一个表示消息本身的值。 The timer takes care of choosing a correct message.计时器负责选择正确的消息。

 // Store the messages in an object, like this: const messages = { 80: 'Message shown between 8:00 - 8:30', 85: 'Message shown between 8:30 - 9:00', 90: 'Message shown between 9:00 - 9:30', 95: 'Message shown between 9:30 - 10:00', 100: 'Message shown between 10:00 - 10:30', 105: 'Message shown between 10:30 - 11:00', 110: 'Message shown between 11:00 - 11:30', 115: 'Message shown between 11:30 - 12:00', 120: 'Message shown between 12:00 - 12:30', 125: 'Message shown between 12:30 - 13:00', 130: 'Message shown between 13:00 - 13:30', 135: 'Message shown between 13:30 - 14:00', 140: 'Message shown between 14:00 - 14:30', 145: 'Message shown between 14:30 - 15:00', 150: 'Message shown between 15:00 - 15:30', 155: 'Message shown between 15:30 - 16:00', 160: 'Message shown between 16:00 - 16:30', 165: 'Message shown between 16:30 - 17:00', 170: 'Message shown between 17:00 - 17:30', 175: 'Message shown between 17:30 - 18:00', 180: 'Message shown between 18:00 - 18:30', 185: 'Message shown between 18:30 - 19:00', 190: 'Message shown between 19:00 - 19:30', 0: 'All for today folks!' }; const now = new Date(), // A reference to the element to show the message in pad = document.querySelector('.iziToast-message'); // Time to go before the next half-/full-hour occurs let nextHalf = (((59 - now.getMinutes()) % 30 + 1) * 60 - now.getSeconds()) * 1000, // Index following time, initialized to the nearest half-/full-hour time = 10 * now.getHours() + Math.floor(now.getMinutes() / 30) * 5; // Set the timer, execute the function once immediately to show the current message (function showMessage() { // Set an index matching a key in messages object const key = (time < 80 || time > 190) ? 0 : time; // Rewrite the content of the message on the page pad.textContent = messages[key]; // Increase the time by half an hour in range 0 - 235 (0:00 - 23:30) time = (time + 5) % 240; // Run this function again when the next half-/full-hour occurs setTimeout(showMessage, nextHalf); }()); // Set the delay to take a half an hour, will be used when `showMessage` is called next time nextHalf = 1800000;
 <div class="iziToast-message"></div>

The (function () {...}()); (function () {...}()); construction is ImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression .构造是InstantInvokedFunctionExpression

The messages are separated from the actual executable part, and are included in the properties of the messages object.消息与实际的可执行部分分开,并包含在messages对象的属性中。 The keys of the properties are representing the start time when the message in the property should be shown.属性的键表示应该显示属性中的消息的开始时间。 It's easier to update the messages in an object when the keys are reflecting the actual time.当键反映实际时间时,更容易更新对象中的消息。 This could be done using an array too, but with an array, the relationship between the time and the message index is less clear, as a sparse array is best to be avoided.这也可以使用数组来完成,但是对于数组,时间和消息索引之间的关系不太清楚,因为最好避免使用稀疏数组。

I've also chosen hard-coded time range in the messages, as it takes less code than a dynamic time range creation, and you've free hands to position the range in the message where ever you want.我还在消息中选择了硬编码的时间范围,因为它比创建动态时间范围需要更少的代码,并且您可以腾出双手将消息中的范围定位在您想要的任何位置。

At first, the code calculates the time to the next nearest half-/full-hour from the current time ( nextHalf ).首先,代码计算从当前时间到下一个最接近的半小时/整小时的时间 ( nextHalf )。 Then a simplified time index is created ( time ), the index matches to the keys in the messages object.然后创建一个简化的时间索引 ( time ),该索引与messages对象中的键匹配。 Then showMessage is called, and the key ( key ) for the current message is calculated.然后showMessage ,计算当前消息的key( key )。 If the current time is out of the range (8:00 - 19:30), the key defaults to 0 .如果当前时间超出范围 (8:00 - 19:30),则键默认为0 Then the content of the message box is rewritten, and a new time for the next showMessage call is calculated.然后重写消息框的内容,计算下一次showMessage调用的新时间。 The new call is delayed so ( nextHalf ), that the timer fires on the next half-/full-hour.新调用被延迟 ( nextHalf ),计时器在下一个半小时/整小时触发。

To understand, how the code works, it's essential to know, that setTimeout does not block the execution of the current script.要了解代码的工作原理,必须知道setTimeout不会阻止当前脚本的执行。 Instead, it's executed immediately, and the callback and delay arguments are passed with their current values.相反,它会立即执行,并且回调和延迟参数与其当前值一起传递。 Setting a new value to the variable holding the delay after the setTimeout call, does not have an affect to the previously set timer.setTimeout调用后为保持延迟的变量设置新值不会影响先前设置的计时器。 The new delay is used only in the delayed future calls of the showMessage function.新的延迟仅用于showMessage函数的延迟未来调用。

The advantage of the relatively complex timer is, that you don't have to re-write the message in short intervals, as the timer calibrates to the actual time, and calls itself half-hourly.相对复杂的计时器的优点是,您不必在短时间内重新编写消息,因为计时器会校准到实际时间,并每半小时调用一次。

A demo at jsFiddle . jsFiddle 的演示 In the demo a half an hour takes only a second, it's less boring than to wait for a half an hour to see something to happen.在演示中,半小时只需要一秒钟,比等待半小时看事情发生更无聊。

It's notable, that a simpler, and perhaps even more accurate version of the timer can be written.值得注意的是,可以编写更简单、甚至更准确的计时器版本。 This function contains all the needed variables, excluding the messages object and the reference to the message box element ( pad ), which are still included in the outer scope.此函数包含所有需要的变量,不包括messages对象和对消息框元素 ( pad ) 的引用,它们仍包含在外部作用域中。

(function showMessage () {
    const now = new Date(),
      time = 10 * now.getHours() + Math.floor(now.getMinutes() / 30) * 5,
      key = (time < 80 || time > 190) ? 0 : time,
      nextHalf = (((59 - now.getMinutes()) % 30 + 1) * 60 - now.getSeconds()) * 1000;
    pad.textContent = messages[key];
    setTimeout(showMessage, nextHalf);

A demo of this variant , it's not speeded up, though.但是,此变体的演示并没有加速。

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