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[英]Strip out characters from a string

I have a string similar to BR450L and I am trying to strip out BR (from the beginning) and L from the end.我有一个类似于BR450L的字符串,我试图从BR450L BR (从头开始)和L Can anyone assist me with doing that in a single pass.任何人都可以帮助我一次性完成。 I want to use that condition in a conditional (ternary) operator and wrap that outcome with a function.我想在conditional (ternary) operator使用该条件,并用函数包装该结果。

If the format of the string is constant then...如果字符串的格式是常量,那么...

const stripOutNum = str => Number(str.slice(2, -1))

for example:例如:

stripOutNum('BR450L') // returns 450

If you wanted a function that tests whether the 'inner' number matches another number...如果您想要一个测试“内部”数字是否与另一个数字匹配的函数...

const checkNumMatch = (str, num) => {
  return Number(str.slice(2, -1)) === num

Extract ALL Digits from a Sting:从 Sting 中提取所有数字:
Returns an Array.返回一个数组。
To cast into String:转换成字符串:
To cast into a Number:转换成数字:
or parseFloat(string.match(/\\d/g).join(""))parseFloat(string.match(/\\d/g).join(""))

 var string = "BR560L"; console.log("string=\\"" + string + "\\""); console.log("as String digit Array=[" + string.match(/\\d/g) + "]"); console.log("as digit String=\\"" + string.match(/\\d/g).join("") + "\\""); console.log("as Number using \\"+\\"=\\"" + (+string.match(/\\d/g).join("")) +"\\""); console.log("as Number using \\"parseFloat\\"=" + parseFloat(string.match(/\\d/g).join("")));

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