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[英]How to get the unique length of a column in a pandas dataframe?

This is the csv data:这是csv数据:

1003,2020/8/27 2:55,d_8,26.39899424,117.7866387
1003,2020/8/26 7:45,d_8,26.39900029,117.7866379
1003,2020/8/26 3:09,d_8,26.40672436,117.8008659
1003,2020/8/26 0:26,d_8,26.89169118,117.1612365
1234567,2020/8/25 9:38,d_8,26.89764297,117.1760012
123456789,2020/5/19 8:29,d_8,24.47420087,118.1085551
1003,2020/5/18 9:06,d_8,24.473124,118.1705641
1003,2020/5/16 7:54,d_8,24.5101858,117.8954614

I use this code to get the staff_id unique length in the dataframe:我使用此代码获取数据帧中的staff_id唯一长度:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(r'for_test.csv', encoding='utf-8',parse_dates=[1])
staff_id_list = df.staff_id.values.tolist()
staff_id_length_list = [len(str(item)) for item in staff_id_list]
staff_id_length_list = list(set(staff_id_length_list))

The output is : [9, 4, 7]输出为: [9, 4, 7]

Although the output is correct, I want to use the pandas method to get the length instead of the python method.虽然输出是正确的,但是我想用pandas的方法来获取长度,而不是python的方法。

What should I do?我该怎么办?

Use Series.astype with Series.str.len and Series.unique :Series.astypeSeries.str.lenSeries.unique

a = df.staff_id.astype(str).str.len().unique()
print (a)
[4 7 9]

If need list:如果需要清单:

L = df.staff_id.astype(str).str.len().unique().tolist()
print (L)
[4, 7, 9]

Use pandas.Series.astype with str.len and unique :使用pandas.Series.astypestr.lenunique



array([4, 7, 9])


df['len'] = df['staff_id'].str.len().drop_duplicates()

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