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在 C 中用指针打印数组

[英]Print array with pointer in C

I have a pointer to an array of char and I need to print the entire array (not one after the other but the entire array).我有一个指向char数组的指针,我需要打印整个数组(不是一个接一个,而是整个数组)。 I have the error: zsh: segmentation fault .我有错误: zsh: segmentation fault I don't understand why.我不明白为什么。 My code take a text from stdin and put the chars in an array.我的代码从stdin获取文本并将字符放入数组中。 If the first array char_array isn't big enough I put them in the second one called bigger_array .如果第一个数组char_array不够大,我会将它们放在名为bigger_array的第二个bigger_array

int main() {
    int c;
    int index = 0;
    size_t size = 100;                        
    char *char_array = malloc(size * sizeof(char)); 
    if (char_array != 0) {
        while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && index < size) {
            char_array[index] = c;
        size_t newSize = size * 100;
        char *bigger_array = realloc(char_array, newSize * sizeof(char)); 
        if (bigger_array != 0) {
            bigger_array = char_array;
            while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && index < newSize) {
                bigger_array[index] = c;
            size = newSize;
    return 0;
  • bigger_array = char_array; should be char_array = bigger_array;应该是char_array = bigger_array; . . Otherwise, the pointer to newly allocated buffer is overwritten to the pointer to old buffer and bad thing will happen.否则,指向新分配缓冲区的指针将被覆盖到指向旧缓冲区的指针,并且会发生不好的事情。
  • printf(*char_array); is bad because it is passing a integer (one character) where pointer is required.不好,因为它在需要指针的地方传递一个整数(一个字符)。 It should be printf("%.*s", index, char_array);它应该是printf("%.*s", index, char_array); . . Note that the length to print is specified and you don't need to add terminating null-character thanks to that.请注意,指定了要打印的长度,因此您无需添加终止空字符。

There are multiple issues in your code:您的代码中有多个问题:

  • you do not include <stdio.h> nor <stdlib.h>你不包括<stdio.h><stdlib.h>
  • you should free char_array and store big_array to char_array so char_array points to the bigger allocated array.您应该释放char_array并将big_array存储到char_array以便char_array指向更大的分配数组。
  • printf(*char_array) has undefined behavior for multiple reasons. printf(*char_array)由于多种原因具有未定义的行为。 You can print the characters with fwrite(char_array, 1, index, stdout) or with printf("%.*s\\n", (int)index, char_array) .您可以使用fwrite(char_array, 1, index, stdout)printf("%.*s\\n", (int)index, char_array)
  • there is no need for separate loops, just reallocate the array on demand.不需要单独的循环,只需根据需要重新分配数组。

Here is a modified version:这是一个修改后的版本:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main() {
    int c;
    size_t index = 0;
    size_t size = 100;
    char *char_array = malloc(size);
    if (char_array != NULL) {
        while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
            if (index == size) {
                size_t new_size = size + size / 2 + size / 8; /* increase by the golden ratio */
                char *new_array = realloc(char_array, new_size);
                if (new_array == NULL) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n");
                    return 1;
                size = new_size;
                char_array = new_array;
            char_array[index++] = c;
        printf("%.*s\n", (int)index, char_array);
    return 0;

Considere this as a comment ^^将此视为评论^^

I advise you to use flags for warning with your complier.我建议你使用标志来警告你的编译器。 for exemple for gcc flags -W -Wextra -Wshadow are good to use and prevent lost of time.例如gcc标志-W -Wextra -Wshadow很好用,可以防止浪费时间。

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