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如何使用 Sphinx 在 Python 文档字符串中指示有效范围?

[英]How to indicate a valid range in a Python docstring using Sphinx?

Is there a way to indicate a "valid range" in a Python docstring using Sphinx?有没有办法使用 Sphinx 在 Python 文档字符串中指示“有效范围”? For example, consider the following linear function.例如,考虑以下线性函数。

def f(m, x, b):
    Returns the `y` value of a linear function using slope-intercept form.
    :param x: The x-axis value.
    :type x: float
    :param m: The slope of the linear function.
    :type m: float
    :param b: The y-intercept.
    :type b: float
    if x < 0:
        raise ValueError('The min "x" value of this function is 0')
    return m * x + b

Is there a way to indicate the domain of x to be something like "x must be greater than zero"?有没有办法将x的域表示为“x 必须大于零”之类的东西? Or in interval notation, [0, infinity] .或者在区间符号中, [0, infinity]

Specifically, is there a way to document this in a Python docstring using Sphinx?具体来说,有没有办法使用 Sphinx 在 Python 文档字符串中记录这一点?

By default Python modules are UTF-8 encoded so the characters are going to render normally.默认情况下, Python 模块采用 UTF-8编码,因此字符将正常呈现。 The string literals can be written using the Unicode character or corresponding hexadecimal code using the u prefix in the docstring.字符串文字可以使用 Unicode 字符或使用文档字符串中u前缀的相应十六进制代码编写 This makes the Unicode range for math available to be written in the docstring.这使得数学Unicode 范围可以写入文档字符串。

Python reads program text as Unicode code points; Python 将程序文本读取为 Unicode 代码点; the encoding of a source file can be given by an encoding declaration and defaults to UTF-8, see PEP 3120 for details.源文件的编码可以由编码声明给出,默认为 UTF-8,详情请参阅 PEP 3120。

Example string literals with Unicode characters written both explicitly and with u prefix, using a Google style docstring:使用 Google 样式文档字符串显式写入u前缀的带有 Unicode 字符的示例字符串文字:

def f(m, x, b) -> float:
    Returns the `y` value of a linear function using slope-intercept form.

        x (float): The x-axis value.
        m (float): The slope of the linear function.
        b (float): The y-intercept.
        float: The y-axis value.
        ValueError: Value of `x` ∈ [0, ∞], or `x` \u2208\u005B 0, \u221E\u005D.

    if x < 0:
        raise ValueError('The min "x" value of this function is 0')
    return m * x + b

The result:结果:


This works fine for simple equations, if you want to write more sophisticated mathematical expressions Sphinx has several extensions that allow to output them as HTML .这适用于简单的方程,如果你想编写更复杂的数学表达式, Sphinx 有几个扩展,允许将它们输出为 HTML

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