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如何使用具有特定表格宽度的 React Table Hooks 调整列大小

[英]How to resize columns with React Table Hooks with a specific table width

I'm trying to implement the resizing feature with React-Table and the Hook useResizeColumns .我正在尝试使用React-Table和 Hook useResizeColumns来实现调整大小功能。 I want to force the table to take always the full width of its container.我想强制表格始终占据其容器的全宽。 Only the columns should change theirs size.只有列应该改变它们的大小。 Not the table.不是桌子。 If you take a look into this example that I made here .如果你看看我在这里制作的这个例子。 (Codesandbox) You can easily resize the column to surpass the red container. (Codesandbox) 您可以轻松地调整列的大小以超过红色容器。 And for some reason if you minimize the columns size, the table will fit always the container !出于某种原因,如果您最小化列的大小,表格将始终适合容器!

I don't understand the behavior here.我不明白这里的行为。 Any ideas ?有任何想法吗 ? Thank you very much.非常感谢。

You need to set the max width for the table.您需要设置表格的最大宽度。 You can use this code.您可以使用此代码。

const defaultColumn = React.useMemo(
    () => ({
      width: 100,
      minWidth: 50,
      maxWidth: 100

  const { headerGroups, rows, prepareRow } = useTable(

After altering this, the table stays within its container.更改此设置后,该表将保留在其容器中。


https://codesandbox.io/s/intelligent-brook-0qicz?file=/src/App.js:1187-1314 https://codesandbox.io/s/intelligent-brook-0qicz?file=/src/App.js:1187-1314

If you want a CSS solution, you have two options.如果你想要一个 CSS 解决方案,你有两个选择。 Option #1 is probably what you want, but your intention is a bit unclear, so I've included a second option, just in case I've misunderstood your intention.选项 #1 可能是您想要的,但您的意图有点不清楚,所以我包含了第二个选项,以防我误解了您的意图。

Option #1: (Give the table a scrollbar, mimicking the behavior most React tables seem to prefer.)选项#1:(给表格一个滚动条,模仿大多数 React 表格​​似乎更喜欢的行为。)

.table {
    overflow: auto;

or Option #2: (Shrink the columns to fit within the table)或选项#2:(缩小列以适应表格)

.td, .th, .tr {
    flex-shrink: 1 !important;
    min-width: auto !important;

Found the fix.找到了修复。 You need to fix your css for table to have display:inline-block;.您需要修复表格的 css 以具有 display:inline-block;。 It is weird that a css fixes the issue :-).奇怪的是 css 解决了这个问题:-)。 You can see the fixed issue over here https://codesandbox.io/s/react-table-with-full-width-forked-rbi6u您可以在此处查看已修复的问题https://codesandbox.io/s/react-table-with-full-width-forked-rbi6u

 .table {
  border: 2px red solid;

Please try the sandbox again as I had missed saving the fix in codesandbox.请再次尝试沙箱,因为我错过了在代码沙箱中保存修复程序。

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