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如何在 Selenium Robot 框架中使用具有多个条件的“Exit For Loop IF”关键字

[英]How to use 'Exit For Loop IF' keyword with multiple condition in Selenium Robot framework

I need to exit FOR LOOP in Selenium Robot framework when multiple conditions are met当满足多个条件时,我需要在 Selenium Robot 框架中退出 FOR LOOP

I am trying something like this where it should exit FOR LOOP , if the below conditions are met:如果满足以下条件,我正在尝试这样的事情,它应该退出 FOR LOOP :

Exit For Loop IF    '${Name}'=='Adam'   and '${Age}'=='27'


Keyword 'BuiltIn.Exit For Loop If' expected 1 argument, got 2.

You need to be careful that Robot Framework use space separated format .您需要注意 Robot Framework 使用空格分隔格式
Ie Robot Framework will separate the and operator as a new argument since there is more than 2 spaces between the conditions.即 Robot Framework 会将and运算符作为新参数分开,因为条件之间有 2 个以上的空格。
That's why Robot Framework think you give two arguments instead of one and the execution will fail.这就是 Robot Framework 认为您提供两个参数而不是一个参数并且执行将失败的原因。

Please try make it one space.请尝试将其留一个空格。

Exit For Loop If    '${Name}'=='Adam' and '${Age}'=='27'

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