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如果有一定数量的反应,则将消息提取到另一个通道 - discord.py 重写

[英]Fetch message to another channel if it has a certain number of reactions - discord.py rewrite

Here's the thingo, I made a feature so that when a suggestion gets a good amount of upvotes (2 for test), it gets the message and sends it to another channel.事情是这样的,我做了一个功能,当一个建议获得大量赞成(2 个用于测试)时,它会获取消息并将其发送到另一个频道。 Here is my code.这是我的代码。

async def on_raw_reaction_add(payload):
    if payload.channel_id == 723908396599869481:
        if payload.emoji.name == ":upvote:":
            payload.emoji.name = 'upvote'
            channel = client.get_channel(723908396599869481)
            message = await channel.fetch_message(payload.message_id)
            reaction = get(message.reactionsemoji == payload.emoji.name)
            if reaction and reaction.count > 1:
                channel2 = bot.get_channel(759750400621543445)
                await channel2.send('{}'.format(message))

However, it does not work, and, an error does not show.但是,它不起作用,并且不会显示错误。 Can anyone figure out a fix?任何人都可以找出解决办法吗? Thanks.谢谢。

The name of the emoji will be upvote not :upvote: .表情符号的名称将是upvote而不是:upvote: Additionally, your get is structured wrong it should be get(message.reactions, emoji=payload.emoji.name) and you should forward the content of the message, not a string representation of the Message object await channel2.send(message.content)此外,您的get结构错误,它应该是get(message.reactions, emoji=payload.emoji.name)并且您应该转发消息的内容,而不是Message对象的字符串表示await channel2.send(message.content)

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