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AWS S3 deleteMarker() 返回 null

[英]AWS S3 deleteMarker() retrun null

I'm using the AWS SDK for Kotlin with Spring.我在 Spring 中使用了适用于 Kotlin 的 AWS 开发工具包。 I set dependencies two AWS SDKs.我设置了两个 AWS SDK 的依赖项。 I made remove function.我做了删除功能。 That ran wrong return value.那运行错误的返回值。 Firstly, I remove file to use deleteObject.首先,我删除文件以使用 deleteObject。 Secondly, It checked that is removed to use deleteMarker().其次,它检查删除使用deleteMarker()。 deleteMarker function return type is boolean. deleteMarker 函数返回类型是布尔值。 And then delete function ran after, I checked AWS S3 for checked removing file.然后运行删除功能,我检查了 AWS S3 以检查删除文件。 It was run correctly.它运行正确。 But, It returned null.但是,它返回空值。

implementation("software.amazon.awssdk:s3:2.14.0") // Amazon S3
implementation("software.amazon.awssdk:aws-sdk-java:2.14.0") // Amazon All service

fun remove(path : String): Boolean {
    val result = s3.deleteObject(              
    logger.info("remove in bucket : $path - ${result.deleteMarker()}")
    return result.deleteMarker()

/* error message and log */
remove in bucket : 27313e6a7307240ab190d805cc5ddd72fb24458f6b96b84616babdc85a691a30 - null

java.lang.IllegalStateException: result.deleteMarker() must not be null
    at com.hanmedia.server.service.AwsService.remove(AwsService.kt:59) ~[main/:na]

A delete marker will only be present if you are dealing with versioned buckets.只有在处理版本化存储桶时才会出现删除标记。 Seems like you have a "normal" bucket in which case there are no delete markers, an object is simply there or it isn't.似乎您有一个“普通”存储桶,在这种情况下没有删除标记,对象只是存在或不存在。

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