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如何使用 tkinter 为形状分配不同的点?

[英]How can I assign different points for shapes with tkinter?

I have tried to search for an answer to my question, but I have not find the solution to my problem, although my question seems to be fairly simple.我试图寻找我的问题的答案,但我还没有找到我的问题的解决方案,尽管我的问题似乎相当简单。 What I wish to know is how I can, for example, have 2 circles center points on the same location.我想知道的是,例如,如何在同一位置有 2 个圆心点。 I am a beginner, so please don't be too harsh.我是初学者,所以请不要太苛刻。

I don't quite know what information you have when trying to draw these circles, so will assume you know the centre and radius.我不太清楚在尝试绘制这些圆时您有什么信息,因此假设您知道中心和半径。 That's a very good starting point, however, as others have mentioned, tkinter requires the binding box of said circle.这是一个非常好的起点,但是,正如其他人所提到的,tkinter 需要上述圆的绑定框。

I find everything easier with a diagram, so here is one:我发现使用图表更容易,所以这里有一个:


We know the coordinates of the circle's centre (marked "C") and also the radius (indicated by the two lines off "C" - both of length "r").我们知道圆心的坐标(标记为“C”)以及半径(由“C”外的两条线表示 - 长度均为“r”)。 The first thing I'm going to do is split the coordinates of "C" into different variables which I'll call x c and y c (for the x and y values respectively).我要做的第一件事是将“C”的坐标拆分为不同的变量,我将它们称为 x c和 y c (分别用于 x 和 y 值)。

Next, I'm going to split A into its x and y values (x a and y a ).接下来,我要将 A 拆分为其 x 和 y 值(x a和 y a )。 The edges of the square (our binding box) intersect the circle at the horizontal and vertical (directly left, right, above or below the centre).正方形(我们的装订盒)的边缘在水平和垂直方向(直接向左、向右、在中心上方或下方)与圆相交。 Taking the horizontal first, we therefore know that x a is x c minus the radius.首先取水平,因此我们知道 x a是 x c减去半径。 In the same way, we can say that y a is y c minus the radius (using tkinter canvas coords - which work from the top-left to bottom-right rather than bottom-left to top-right).以同样的方式,我们可以说 y a是 y c减去半径(使用 tkinter 画布坐标 - 从左上角到右下角而不是从左下角到右上角)。

Again, in a similar way, we can say that x b and y b (the x and y values of B) are x c and y c plus the radius.同样,以类似的方式,我们可以说 x b和 y b (B 的 x 和 y 值)是 x c和 y c加上半径。 Combining our coordinate values back together, we get:将我们的坐标值重新组合在一起,我们得到:

A = (xc - r, yc - r)
B = (xc + r, yc + r)

These are the coordinates of the binding box so we can go and pass these straight to tkinter:这些是绑定框的坐标,因此我们可以直接将它们传递给 tkinter:

CENTRE = (100, 100)
RADIUS1 = 20
RADIUS2 = 30

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

c = tk.Canvas(root, width=200, height=200)
c.create_oval(CENTRE_X - RADIUS1, CENTRE_Y - RADIUS1,
              CENTRE_X + RADIUS1, CENTRE_Y + RADIUS1)
c.create_oval(CENTRE_X - RADIUS2, CENTRE_Y - RADIUS2,
              CENTRE_X + RADIUS2, CENTRE_Y + RADIUS2)


The result is two concentric circles in the middle of our canvas.结果是我们画布中间的两个同心圆。

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