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为什么我的 IF-ELSE-IF 语句不能正常工作?

[英]Why won't my IF-ELSE-IF statement work correctly?

I am trying to create a simple Blackjack game in Java.我正在尝试用 Java 创建一个简单的二十一点游戏。 I have a menu with possible integer options from 1-4.我有一个菜单,其中包含 1-4 的可能整数选项。 If the user inputs an integer greater than 4, my IF statement needs to print "invalid integer" and then restart the game.如果用户输入一个大于4的整数,我的IF语句需要打印“无效整数”,然后重新启动游戏。 If the user inputs a negative value, my ELSE-IF statement needs to do the same thing.如果用户输入负值,我的 ELSE-IF 语句需要做同样的事情。

However, the statements will only work once, so I can't get "invalid integer" to print if I input values below 0 and values greater than 4 multiple times/back-to-back.但是,这些语句只能工作一次,因此如果我多次/背靠背输入小于 0 的值和大于 4 的值,我将无法打印“无效整数”。

[Redacted] [已编辑]

Any help is appreciated.任何帮助表示赞赏。

If you have defined scnr like this:如果您像这样定义了 scnr:

Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

I suggest you do a simple switch case statement with a default clause.我建议您使用 default 子句做一个简单的 switch case 语句。

switch (userOpt) {
    case 1:
        // Option 1 logic...
    case 2:
        // Option 2 logic...
    case 3:
        // Option 3 logic...           
    case 4:
        // Option 4 logic...
        // Handling invalid input...

It's really confusing in the way you've written the code.您编写代码的方式确实令人困惑。 Ie how does case 1 involve get another card?即案例1如何涉及获得另一张卡? Is all the code written in a main function?所有代码都写在一个主函数中吗? How about you make a class called blackjack in which you have different methods for getCard(), holdHand() etc. and make a class variable which holds the hand and also gamecount and wins for dealer/player.您如何创建一个名为 blackjack 的类,其中您有不同的 getCard()、holdHand() 等方法,并创建一个类变量,用于持有手牌、游戏计数和庄家/玩家的胜利。 Would be much easier to understand your code.理解你的代码会容易得多。 Then you can try you code in your main inside the code.然后您可以尝试在代码中的 main 中编写代码。

Something like;就像是;

public BlackJack { 
**class variables such as hand, player wins etc..**

**methods here**

**main method to try your code**

I hope you get what I'm suggesting, I know it might feel like a lot of work to do now when you've written your code but this would help you and anyone who reads your code.我希望你能明白我的建议,我知道当你写完你的代码时,现在可能感觉有很多工作要做,但这会对你和任何阅读你代码的人都有帮助。

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