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我们可以通过 Graph API 访问条件访问的假设功能吗?

[英]Can we access What-If feature of Conditional Access through Graph API?

We are using Azure AD through APIs.我们通过 API 使用 Azure AD。 I'm looking for an equivalent of https://policysim.aws.amazon.com/ in Azure.我正在 Azure 中寻找相当于https://policysim.aws.amazon.com/的内容。 The goal is to provide the user context, resource context and Action, and evaluate "Effective Privileges" for the user to perform that specific action on the resource.目标是提供用户上下文、资源上下文和操作,并评估用户对资源执行特定操作的“有效权限”。 Came across What-If in Azure AD for conditional access.遇到了 Azure AD 中的假设条件访问。 Is this the closest feature available?这是最接近的功能吗? How do I access through Graph APIs?如何通过 Graph API 访问?

Thanks much.非常感谢。

The What If Tool can be considered as the closest feature available when compared to IAM policy simulator.与 IAM 策略模拟器相比, What If 工具可以被视为最接近的可用功能。

In the Conditional Access What If tool, you first need to configure the settings of the sign-in scenario you want to simulate.在条件访问 What If 工具中,您首先需要配置要模拟的登录场景的设置。 These settings include:这些设置包括:

  • The user you want to test (user context)您要测试的用户(用户上下文)
  • The cloud apps the user would attempt to access (resource context )用户将尝试访问的云应用程序(资源上下文)
  • The conditions under which access to the configured cloud apps is performed.执行对配置的云应用程序的访问的条件。

As a next step, you can initiate (Action) a simulation run that evaluates your settings.下一步,您可以启动(操作)模拟运行以评估您的设置。 Only policies that are enabled are part of an evaluation run.When the evaluation has finished, the tool generates a report of the affected policies.只有启用的策略是评估运行的一部分。评估完成后,该工具会生成受影响策略的报告。

Currently, it is not possible to access What If Tool via Graph APIs, you can, however, voice your interest in such a feature or support similar ones in the Microsoft Graph Feature Requests forum.目前,无法通过 Graph API 访问 What If Tool,但是您可以在Microsoft Graph 功能请求论坛中表达您对此类功能的兴趣或支持类似功能 You can use Conditional Access APIs to create, list, get, update & delete the Conditional access policies您可以使用条件访问 API来创建、列出、获取、更新和删除条件访问策略

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