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我们可以在模板文字(模板字符串)中使用 JS concat() 吗?

[英]Can we use JS concat() inside Template literals (Template strings)?

I am trying to create a URL using Template Strings like -我正在尝试使用模板字符串创建一个 URL,例如 -

a = {
    link: {
        pathname: `${url.split('?')[0]}${userId}/items?userType=${userId}}`

The above snippet is working absolutely fine so is the below one.上面的代码片段工作得非常好,下面的代码片段也是如此。 But should we use concat() inside Template strings like the below snippet or not?但是我们是否应该在模板字符串中使用 concat() 像下面的代码片段一样?

a = {
    link: {
        pathname: `${url

Why I used concat() because in my case, my enabled linting setup is throwing error for the first one as it should be written in two-lines, but it takes a new line or space as we give, which is not favorable in our case as we are creating URL.为什么我使用 concat() 是因为在我的情况下,我启用的 linting 设置会抛出第一个错误,因为它应该写成两行,但它需要一个新的行或空格,这在我们的情况下是不利的案例,因为我们正在创建 URL。

If not, why?如果不是,为什么? Just Curious.只是好奇。

Two answers for you:给你两个答案:

  1. The content of a substitution ( ${...} ) can be any expression.替换 ( ${...} ) 的内容可以是任何表达式。 It's fine to do method calls there.可以在那里进行方法调用。

  2. concat seems like an odd choice in that particular case, since there's no need for it.在这种特殊情况下, concat似乎是一个奇怪的选择,因为不需要它。 For that reason, from a style perspective, I'd use the first version.出于这个原因,从风格的角度来看,我会使用第一个版本。 But it's a style thing, and you can use concat if you like.但这是一种风格,如果您愿意,可以使用concat Note VLAZ's point that once you've done that, the whole expression is already producing the string you want and you have no need of a template literal at all.请注意VLAZ 的观点,一旦你这样做了,整个表达式就已经产生了你想要的字符串,你根本不需要模板文字。

So I'd either use your original:所以我要么使用你的原件:

a = {
    link: {
        pathname: `${url.split('?')[0]}${userId}/items?userType=${userId}}`

or if you prefer concat :或者如果您更喜欢concat

a = {
    link: {
        pathname: url

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