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在 Nodejs 中连接到 neo4j

[英]Connecting to neo4j in Nodejs

I tried to run a simple code connecting Neo4j with Java script, But I don't know why there isn't any change in database, I tried a verity type of connection.我试图运行一个简单的代码连接 Neo4j 和 Java 脚本,但我不知道为什么数据库没有任何变化,我尝试了一种真实类型的连接。 You can see the code in the following:您可以看到以下代码:

const neo4j = require('neo4j-driver')
//const driver = neo4j.driver("neo4j://localhost:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "qaz"));
 const driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://localhost:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "qaz"));

const session = driver.session()
const personName = 'Test'
try {
   const result =  session.run(
      'CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN a',
      { name: personName }

const singleRecord = result.records[0]
const node = singleRecord.get(0)

finally {

// on application exit: driver.close() // 在应用程序退出时:driver.close()

Even I tried the online database, but I had the problem still.即使我尝试了在线数据库,但问题仍然存在。 Also I couldn't receive any error or warning.我也没有收到任何错误或警告。 Any idea?任何的想法?

I would suggest you try to catch errors and see what comes out.我建议您尝试捕获错误并查看结果。 The only problem I imagine seeing is that you use "neu4j" username instead of the "neo4j".我想看到的唯一问题是您使用“neu4j”用户名而不是“neo4j”。

Anyway, the best practice is to catch errors to help you with the debugging.无论如何,最佳实践是捕获错误以帮助您进行调试。

// Edit: // 编辑:

It seems that you are not awaiting the results of the Neo4j session as JS is all about async :) Try to use the then clause like in the documentation:似乎您没有等待 Neo4j 会话的结果,因为 JS 都是关于异步的 :) 尝试使用文档中的then子句:

  .run('MERGE (james:Person {name : $nameParam}) RETURN james.name AS name', {
    nameParam: 'James'
  .then(result => {
    result.records.forEach(record => {
  .catch(error => {
  .then(() => session.close())

I finally found how to solve it我终于找到了解决方法

async function test(){
const neo4j = require('neo4j-driver')

const driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://localhost:7687", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j", "qaz"))
const session = driver.session()
const personName = 'Test'

try {
    const result = await session.run(
        'CREATE (a:Person {name: $name}) RETURN a',
        { name: personName }

    const singleRecord = result.records[0]
    const node = singleRecord.get(0)

} finally {
    await session.close()

 // on application exit:
  await driver.close()

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