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如何使用 react-leaflet 的 LayerControl 切换矩形网格?

[英]How to toggle a rectangle grid using react-leaflet's LayerControl?

I want to show or hide a grid of rectangles (the overlay) over a map (the base layer).我想在地图(基础层)上显示或隐藏矩形网格(叠加层)。

I'm using the react Leaflet layers control : doc我正在使用 react Leaflet 图层控件: doc

Problem : My grid shows all the time even if I uncheck the check box问题:即使取消选中复选框,我的网格也一直显示

My grid :我的网格:


class Grid extends MapControl {
    createLeafletElement(props) {
        const { 
          leaflet: { map },
        } = props;

        const minLng = -4.89;  
    const minLat = 41.29;  
    const maxLng = 9.65;   
    const maxLat = 51.22

    const nbColumn = 10;
    const nbRow = 10;
    const rectWidth  = maxLng - minLng;
    const rectHeight = maxLat - minLat;

    const incrLat  = rectHeight  / nbColumn;
    const incrLng = rectWidth / nbRow;
    let column = 0;
    let lngTemp = minLng;
    let latTemp = minLat;

        let rect;
        const arrRect = [];
        while (column < nbColumn) {
          let row = 0;
          latTemp = minLat;
          while (row < nbRow) {
            const cellBounds = [[latTemp, lngTemp], [latTemp + incrLat, lngTemp + incrLng]];
            rect = L.rectangle(cellBounds, {color: "#1EA0AA", weight: 1}).addTo(map);
            latTemp += incrLat; 
            row += 1;
          lngTemp += incrLng;
          column += 1;
        return rect;

In my leaflet component :在我的传单组件中:

class Leaflet extends Component {
render() {
  return (
            <LayersControl.BaseLayer name="Open Street Map" checked="true">
                <TileLayer attribution='&copy; <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> 

            <LayersControl.Overlay name="Grid1">
                  <Grid />     

I did not manage to load your grid so I provide another simpler grid example.我没有设法加载您的网格,因此我提供了另一个更简单的网格示例。

To control the Grid's visibility you need to use react-leaflet 's updateLeafletElement method to trigger prop changes on your custom react-leaflet component.要控制网格的可见性,您需要使用react-leafletupdateLeafletElement方法来触发自定义 react-leaflet 组件上的 prop 更改。 Pass a showGrid prop to be able to control Grid's visibility.传递一个 showGrid 道具来控制 Grid 的可见性。

updateLeafletElement(fromProps, toProps) {
    const { map } = this.props.leaflet;
    if (toProps.showGrid !== fromProps.showGrid) {
        ? this.leafletElement.addTo(map)
        : this.leafletElement.removeFrom(map);

then in your map component listen to leaflet's overlayadd & overlayremove to be able to toggle a local flag which will control the visibility of the grid using an effect:然后在您的地图组件中收听传单的 overlayadd 和 overlayremove 以能够切换本地标志,该标志将使用效果控制网格的可见性:

useEffect(() => {
    const map = mapRef.current.leafletElement;
    map.on("overlayadd", (e) => {
      if (e.name === "Grid1") setShowGrid(true);

    map.on("overlayremove", (e) => {
      if (e.name === "Grid1") setShowGrid(false);
  }, []);

            <Grid showGrid={showGrid} />

Edit : The App component as class based component it will look like this:编辑:作为基于类的组件的 App 组件将如下所示:

export default class AppWithNoHooks extends Component {
  state = {
    showGrid: false

  mapRef = createRef();

  componentDidMount() {
    const map = this.mapRef.current.leafletElement;
    map.on("overlayadd", (e) => {
      if (e.name === "Grid1") this.setState({ showGrid: true });

    map.on("overlayremove", (e) => {
      if (e.name === "Grid1") this.setState({ showGrid: false });

I don't get the error you mentioned.我不明白你提到的错误。

Demo 演示

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