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在 Vuetify Calendar 中使用嵌入的属性

[英]Using embedded attributes in Vuetify Calendar

I'm trying to use the v-calendar component from Vuetify.我正在尝试使用 Vuetify 的v-calendar组件。

I saw in the documentation I can use the event-start prop if my events don't have the same attributes' names.我在文档中看到如果我的事件没有相同的属性名称,我可以使用event-start道具。

The problem is that my events have embedded attributes and I don't know if event-start handles this case.问题是我的事件有嵌入的属性,我不知道event-start处理这种情况。

My events :我的活动:

events: [
        id: 'b9d93291-6d95-47b9-994a-ee9f266fb6b8',
        type: 'reservation_item',
        attributes: {
          start_date: '2020-09-23T00:00:00.000Z',
          end_date: '2020-09-25T00:00:00.000Z',

The events example from vuetify : vuetify 的事件示例:

events: [
        name: 'Weekly Meeting',
        start: '2020-09-07 09:00',
        end: '2020-09-07 10:00',

I tried to do something like that but it doesn't work.我试图做类似的事情,但它不起作用。


After spelunking the source code for the vuetify plugin , the latter expects that the value be present in the event object, as a direct property.在探索vuetify 插件的源代码之后,后者期望该值作为直接属性存在于事件对象中。 So you cannot acces other nested "children", it has to be a direct property.所以你不能访问其他嵌套的“孩子”,它必须是一个直接的属性。

There are two alternatives to make this work:有两种选择可以使这项工作:

1- map your events array by moving the properties inside attributes to the root of your object then pass this prop to v-calendar : event-start="startDate" 1-通过将属性内的attributes移动到对象的根来映射事件数组,然后将此道具传递给v-calendarevent-start="startDate"

2- Create a javascript class (MyEvent) with a fromJson method that take the raw JSON from your API ( this way you encapsulate the JSON into domain objects) and return an array of MyEvent instances. 2- 使用fromJson方法创建一个 javascript 类 (MyEvent),该方法从您的 API 获取原始 JSON(这样您将 JSON 封装到域对象中)并返回一个 MyEvent 实例数组。 this way you can do for example : events[0].start and you don't even have to pass it as a value to the event-start prop, since by default it expects a start attribute as a default value.通过这种方式,您可以执行例如: events[0].start并且您甚至不必将其作为值传递给event-start道具,因为默认情况下它需要一个start属性作为默认值。

Another advantage of this alternative, is that since the event is now encapsulated into its own javascript class, you can add helper methods, or getters/setter or any logic that would otherwise be inside your "view" logic, and contribute to have a better separation of concerns.这种替代方法的另一个优点是,由于事件现在被封装到它自己的 javascript 类中,您可以添加辅助方法、getter/setter 或任何本来会在您的“视图”逻辑中的逻辑,并有助于获得更好的关注点分离。

To make this works, I had to change my events data为了使它起作用,我不得不更改我的events数据


  data: () => ({
    events: [
        id: 'b9d93291-6d95-47b9-994a-ee9f266fb6b8',
        type: 'reservation_item',
        attributes: {
          start_date: '2020-09-23T00:00:00.000Z',
          end_date: '2020-09-25T00:00:00.000Z',
  computed: {
    myEvents() {
      const reservations = this.reservations
      reservations.forEach((element) => {
        element.start = element.attributes.start_date
        element.name = 'test'
        element.end = element.attributes.end_date

      return reservations

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