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如何使用 JavaScript spread... 语法更改对象的一个​​字段,该字段属于数组并通过名称-值对访问?

[英]How to use JavaScript spread... syntax to change the one field of the object, that belongs to the array and is accessed by name-value pair?

Here is the code (it fails to compile at the sentence that builds the state2, ie at the second spread):这是代码(它无法在构建 state2 的句子中编译,即在第二次传播时):

let line_id = 6;

let state = {
  invoice: {
    id: 1015,
    description: 'web order',
  lines: [
    {id: 5, description: 'phone', color: 'black'},
    {id: 6, description: 'tablet', color: 'blue'},
    {id: 7, description: 'computer', color: 'gray'},

//this alert and this access pattern works, so, I would like to use
//.find... to access element in spread... structure as well

let state2 = {
   ['lines']: { ...state['lines'],
      find(line=>line['id']==line_id): { ...state['lines'].find(line=>line['id']==line_id),
      ['description']: 'TV',


I have state structure, I access lines array, I access the specific line by name-value pair id=6 and I would like to change the value of the field description .我有state结构,我访问lines数组,我通过名称-值对id=6访问特定行,我想更改字段description的值。 This effort is the continuation of https://stackoverflow.com/a/64116308/1375882 in which I am trying to create the general procedure, that use the spread... syntax and the access-by-name strategy for updating the complex object/array tree.这项工作是https://stackoverflow.com/a/64116308/1375882的延续,我试图在其中创建通用程序,该程序使用扩展...语法和按名称访问策略来更新复杂对象/数组树。 In fact - this complex tree is the state of the Redux reducer and that update happend in the action that process the valueSetter function of the AgGrid.事实上 - 这个复杂的树是 Redux reducer 的状态,更新发生在处理valueSetter函数的操作中。 But - this is generally the interesting exercise by itself to better understand spread... and JavaScript and JSON structure in JavaScript.但是 - 这本身通常是一个有趣的练习,可以更好地理解传播......以及 JavaScript 中的 JavaScript 和 JSON 结构。

So - the only question is: how to write line所以 -唯一的问题是:如何写行

find(line=>line['id']==line_id): { ...state['lines'].find(line=>line['id']==line_id),

so that the code compiles?以便代码编译? How can I access the certain element of the array by name-value pair in this setting :如何在此设置中通过名称-值对访问数组的特定元素

Note, that I am trying to build general code :请注意,我正在尝试构建通用代码

find(line=>line[keyFieldName]==keyFieldValue): { ...state['lines'].find(line=>line[keyFieldName]==keyFieldValue),

that uses arbitrary field names and field values - so that such handler can update the any field of the any record of arbitrary 2D AgGrid in React/Redux setting.使用任意字段名称和字段值 - 以便此类处理程序可以更新 React/Redux 设置中任意 2D AgGrid 的任何记录的任何字段。

The desired result of my code: 1) it should compile;我的代码的预期结果:1)它应该编译; 2) the second alert should return 'TV'. 2) 第二个警报应该返回“TV”。

If I understood correctly what you want to achieve, this should work:如果我正确理解了您想要实现的目标,这应该有效:

 let line_id = 6; let state = { invoice: { id: 1015, description: 'web order', }, lines: [{ id: 5, description: 'phone', color: 'black' }, { id: 6, description: 'tablet', color: 'blue' }, { id: 7, description: 'computer', color: 'gray' }, ] }; const stateKeyId = 'lines'; const itemKeyId = 'id'; const itemAttr = 'description' let state2 = { ...state, [stateKeyId]: state[stateKeyId].map(item => { if (item[itemKeyId] == line_id) { return ({ ...item, [itemAttr]: 'TV' }); } return item }) } console.log(state2);

find(line=>line['id']==line_id) should become [find(line=>line['id']==line_id)] , since just like the string it must be between square brackets for js to work properly. find(line=>line['id']==line_id)应该变成[find(line=>line['id']==line_id)] ,因为就像字符串一样,它必须在方括号之间才能让js工作适当地。

Also, if you are using find from lodash , it will return the object, therefore if you need to use the id as key you can do something like:此外,如果您使用find from lodash ,它将返回对象,因此如果您需要使用 id 作为键,您可以执行以下操作:

[get(find(line => line['id'] === line_id]), 'id')]: whatever

a few observations though:一些观察:

  • always please always use === over == in js总是请总是在 js 中使用 === over ==
  • avoid snake_case, use camelCase with js, since it's standard避免snake_case,在js中使用camelCase,因为它是标准的
  • your code is not actually handling missing items correclty, if you need to do so split it in multiple lines since it would be more comprehensible您的代码实际上并未正确处理丢失的项目,如果您需要这样做,请将其拆分为多行,因为这样会更易于理解

You can use the map method from arrays to return different elements based on the original one.您可以使用数组中的map方法返回基于原始元素的不同元素。

Here's how you could use it:以下是您可以如何使用它:

 line_id = 6; state = { invoice: { id: 1015, description: 'web order', }, lines: [ {id: 5, description: 'phone', color: 'black'}, {id: 6, description: 'tablet', color: 'blue'}, {id: 7, description: 'computer', color: 'gray'}, ] }; state2 = { ...state, lines: state.lines.map(line => { if (line.id === line_id) return { ...line, description: 'YT' } return { ...line } }) }; alert(state2['lines'].find(line=>line['id']==line_id)['description']);


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